
Yeah, I was a bit "whatevs" about my first time. But I thank my lucky stars it wasn't humiliating/traumatic like it seems to be for so many women.

In our culture it might be a good idea for all women to get therapy before having sex! It's not like we are encouraged to be in touch with our wishes and desires, let alone told it's ok to vocalise them. Very sorry to hear what happened, but maybe good came of it in the end, therapy is great.

Sounds like you're doing a great job! Lucky kids!!

Aye, that's the problem... I think all women should just not bother until men learn where the clitoris is. I think that happens when they're about 25, tbh. So, we should've all been dating a bit older back in college!! Absolutely no point fucking unless you're going to get off. Not at such a young age anyway, I can't

Oh, I've been in that place for longer than that back at college... I think it's definitely more about us than them. Take the power back! Am telling myself how awesome I am, which is helping.

I'm interested you started late, do you think that made the difference, i.e. why you have no regrets? you started sleeping with lots of people only after you were fully adult and able to make informed choices.

Awww, guinea-pigs!!! Why did people forget about them and their adorable sandpapery ears?? Hedgehogs are nowhere near as snuggly and gorge

I'm pining badly too. But maybe these feelings aren't even about him? There's some kind of weird glitch in my brain at the moment, am I actually pining for security, or a quick fix for existential problems or WHAT?? I hate moping about like this. No, that's a lie, like the mamas and the papas say I'm sort of glad to

This sounds like the most twee thing ever. The film version of a crocheted rabbit.

Hey Sybil! I expect I know you in real life. Am a life-long resident of the town and an alumna.

Oxbridge types ARE dog-mad upper-crust types

I got 10 seconds in and all I could think was that being a flight control officer must be the most boring job in the entire universe.

Yay, thanks for all the good recommendations!! I'm off to the perfume shop saturday, so I'll ask for some samples of these. I'm 24 so I reckon I have a few more years to find some good ones

Defs gonna try the Rodriquez one this weekend, thanks


Sooo, can anyone recommend me a scent? I've been looking for The One for so long!!! I really like J'adore by Dior thought its a little sharp; L'eau de Chloe is gorgeous in summer but perhaps a little sweet... I'm goldilocks of the perfume counter. Oh, I love white musk too. I adore men's perfumes so maybe I should

key word is 'nice' perfume. I spritzed on some of Marc Jacob's daisy, and it was so weak. It smelled EXACTLY the same as a bottle of bath-y body spray I had got a couple of years earlier at 1/8 of the price.

Ok, can someone explain to me WHY Harry Styles is supposed to be attractive??? Just LOOK at him up there. WTF???? He looks like a shiny-faced gremlin.

Oh Taylor, noooo!!!! I'm not gonna lie, I was way too excited to hear this song. But... meh. I liked her better when she was just doing her own thing. Peak swift was Enchanted, methinks. Genuinely cute before it became all produced. I liked it so much better when she wasn't appropriating but just being herself. The

yay!!! They look adorable and happy, I hope they have a long and blissful marriage