
Wow, this is a fraught topic. I think there should definitely be something like alcoholics anonymous for them where they can get support not to act on their pedophilia. Perhaps focussing on how real & terrible the damage caused by abuse is, how to see children as incapable of consenting and people who need to be left

Oh my gosh, my heart is breaking!!!! That duck is SO MUCH BETTER than a cat. They hardly ever play properly with cute puppies in squee videos. I can never eat a duck again.

I hear you, what's the point of moving to the smoke if you can't be in the centre of things... Good choice for good Greek food :-)

As long as they're all warm, safe and fed it could be a hell of a lot worse. At least these parents have given some thought to parenting and are actually engaged with it. All children want is attention, they don't care if healing runes or push ups are involved. Although I think the kids with the pushy parents might

That is one cute kid. She'll probably grow up to be a good-looking narcissist like her parents.

Aha, I'm about to move to Londres... Whereabouts are you? My sis lives in Pimlico but no way am I forking out for that.

I would LOVE to live in a boarding house. I was born in the wrong age. Spiritually, I'm an independent-minded Victorian orphan.

Ah, I suppose they filter that out of the tourist brochures... We only hear it's a fantastic fusion city with all the French, Spanish and African influences

Genuinely curious, what's wrong with New Orleans? I'm English and I thought it was supposed to be really interesting?

Sad :-( The second girl looked lovely and more interesting before. Now she's like a barbie.

Aaaargh I'm so excited I could pass out!!!!!!!!!

Also: snarky isn't attractive. Just thought someone should tell you.

There is always risk. But standing up in front of people and making some official promises does tend to weed out partners who are just along for the ride. People who try to avoid risk too much, or taking a leap, often make the breakup of their relationship a self-fulfilling prophecy.

She doesn't though. The stats the main papers use are supplied by the Keeper of the Privy Purse (biased!). If you want to discover the true cost of the monarchy, check out republic.org. Plus, and I mean this seriously, don't you think it's harmful to social equality to give some people unimaginable privilege for life

Gosh, ANOTHER wit! Really are setting the thread on fire today, boys. In case you hadn't realised, it's impossible not to read the first headline in your newsfeed.

Oh, a wit!

Thank you for simply coming here to snark without having to actually give an opinion of your own. Why don't you just run along to pornhub and do what you do best?

What bothers me is the fact that my country is riven with class divisions that you, I'm assuming an American, can't hope to understand. But you could at least stop treating the monarchy as a quaint fairytale and see it for what it is - a socially unjust system that provides a real barrier to egalitarianism and

Er, I can't really help but read a headline if it's the first thing in the newsfeed. Enjoy your entertainment. Some of us don't think that the problem of class inequality in Britain is so funny, but no doubt you're sitting somewhere in middle america laughing hilariously at those funny archaic Brits whose social

They don't really, though. The official stats, which newspapers keep lazily repeating, come from the Queen's Keeper of the Privy Purse (biased!). The real costs are rather higher. Not to mention the social cost of the royals showing just how unimportant the idea of meritocracy can be in England.