
LOVE IT. I'm so taking that name.

Don't feel shitty!!! I'm a year older than you, and I'm pretty sure these holier than thou types are way older. They just don't get what it's like for our generation. My parents too can't seem to grasp that this is a whole new era of insecurity, anxiety and stress and graduating isn't the golden ticket to a job for

But everyone does whacky stuff at college. You really don't need the drink. I broke into the botanical gardens, danced in the fountain, had a foam fight, left a pirate flag on the roof, all chemically sober but tired and hysterical and excitable like you are at 18.

I think legalising it for 18/yos would be a good first step!! You need to drink with trusted friends and at home to find your tolerance level before being thrown out into college with all the pressures to fit in and have a good time. It's better in Britain, I think. I drank wine at home from 16 and figured out that 2

PREACH. I think it also goes with looking stereotypically 'feminine' too. As a girl with long blonde hair and a penchant for wearing pink, people always assume I'm a complete idiot. I find myself telling them I went to Cambridge when they get that glazed 'isn't she cute' look about 'em.

Even before I read this, I have to say the pretty, pretty pretty daisy-beer left me hypnotised for several minutes. Who created the gorgeous thing????

Well, I totally agree that sometimes people just need a long snuggle and no sex, but have sex for the sake of the cuddle.


'Never let the monster out'. Hm. Looks like they're doing little else. Not that I'm complaining.

ARGH this is SO CUTE I can't even get on my socialist high horse about wasting resources on animals!!!!

Duuuuude....... Wow.

I'm 2 years older than you and I've slept with 2 people, but I really get where you are coming from. I'm still trying to make the right choices for me and (the challenging part) to feel GOOD about those choices in the face of the loud opinions of the whole world. It sometimes feels like everyone has an opinion about

Well, I never enjoyed hooking up. Not that I did it much. Either I felt really cold and uncaring bc I didn't give a damn about the other person, or I felt they were cold to me. It all seemed a bit inhuman and I now think that sex with someone you love and trust is the only kind I want. However, perhaps if the men

Oh my fucking god, are they REALLY that stupid???

This makes me want to HURL, all except for the one with the really little girls. That is age-appropriate and it is cute that their dad is cuddling them. But when a daughter is a young woman, dads should just get their hands the fuck off them.

What if you have really short arms and fingers??? What then, EH???

Does anyone else to it saturday morning? Time, the opportunity...

You're kidding!!! I thought it was totally instinctual

AT LAST, SOMEONE is saying this!!!!!!!!! WHy the hell did Jezebel ever have such a hard-on for this show anyway?? Why were all the articles about the hilarious dialogue and shit like that when women are treated in this way every fucking episode??? I just go so sick and ground down by it I couldn't bear to watch any