
Clearly the fox thinks that this woman is his GOD.

Oh my god, she is such a fucking exhibitionist. Literally will walk around naked if it'll get people to look at her.

Chatting with a close relative!!!!!!!!!!??????????????? Sorry, nothing kills any sexy feels faster.

I often fight with myself about this. Computers are so addictive, it's really hard to stop - and nowadays EVERYTHING is on there. Banking, socialising, shopping, the newspaper,... Maybe you should suggest you have a leisurely meal together every night (1 hour or more at the table, no digital devices allowed) or an

Wow, you guys probably want to have a word with your bfs about being more respectful of your time and space. This is the kind of thing that can just build up and up into a tidal wave of resentment.

Romance is all very well, but being realistic is better. Better not to let someone mediocre drag you down. You just break up and then think why the hell did I just spend 6 months commuting to see someone I now think of as an idiot, missing out on precious sleep, time with friends and family, career planning etc.

Dude. Trust me. You couldn't get a girl in her early twenties. It's kind of cute you're so deluded you think you might.

lol. You're clearly one of the sadsacks who thinks that if the waitress smiles at you it means she loooooooves you.

It makes me sad to hear you say stuff like this!! It IS possible for men to be humane. My brother is humane. He doesn't see his sisters or friends as objects.

You can criminalise the client, but give the woman (or, more likely, underage girl) in question as much support as possible. So that's what people can do about reality.

There is nothing ridiculous about working towards a future where men don't feel automatically entitled to women's bodies. They're doing pretty well on this in Iceland. And saying if they don't get prostitutes here they'll go and do bad things to girls in other countries is completely dumb. It's like caving in to

You are so naive. Yes, isn't it so much easier to divide womenkind into two categories, the 'good', 'nice' women who don't deserve to be harrassed, and the whores who can risk assault and rape the whole time because lower class women are supposed to be sanitising vessels for men's filthy lusts. This is such dating,

Please see my response to zerogspacecow. You both seriously, seriously need to educate yourselves about the brutal reality of prostitution instead of the hopelessly sanitized version that seems to be in your head.

You are really missing the point here. Hardly any women buy sex, so the comparison is spurious. Furthermore, a coerced choice is not a free choice. Most women are forced into prostitution because of poverty, drug addiction, and single parenthood. They are not offering free consent. Plus, prostitution is not a nice,

Trying to wage a personal attack on someone at the end of your comment just makes you look incredibly pathetic. Obviously no woman has settled for YOU or else you wouldn't be sitting in your parent's basement trolling a blog by women, for women.

This is a very interesting point. I saw a Hispanic woman on the bus once, with perfectly nice, wide face and cheekbones and then... A tiny little nose in the middle. It looked all wrong for her bone structure and face shape. It was like they just plonked the Elin Nordegren nose on her regardless of her actual face.

Did you hear the story of the Chinese guy who divorced his wife for deceiving him with surgery? he sued her too... They had an ugly child, he flipped out and denied paternity, she cracked and confessed to having had work done. The whole story is awful, but I confess I do have a grain of sympathy for him. It's not

This was a very brave post. I hope things pick up for you now - it's time for good things to happen. There are ways to mark time and find fullness instead of emptiness, and you don't needs kids to find those ways. Not trying to push anything, but Jungian psychoanalysis helped me a lot with feeling like a fraud.

Anyone remember the bit in Bridget Jones where her friends say 'He really likes you just the way you are?? Not with a smaller nose and bigger tits??'

Fine. I understand you must have a lot of trolling and whatnot to put up with. But a little less snark would be nice. And actually reading the comment in question BEFORE going on the offensive.