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Well, I've never actually seen a sick parrot. Here is a happy dancing one for your delectation

This is not a comedy issue. So take your dumb ass elsewhere. Suffering from a food intolerance is painful and inconvenient and, guess what, I don't want to be belittled on top of it. Run along to Pornhub and do what you do best.

PS yes, I'm aware this is a jokey article, yes, I'm aware it focuses on weddings, so if C.A. Pinkman is reading perhaps she can spare me a scolding for my frivolous ways

Oh, lolz. Sorry everyone, but the French beat us hands-down in almost every respect. They have quality of life there! Strong unions, which means they are obligated to turn off their work phone/email/whatever in the evenings (it's illegal to force workers to do overtime through electronic channels); they have the best

Er... yeah, I read it the first time. I was AGREEING with you, sweetpea.

Are you KIDDING me???? What the fuck is wrong with the American south!!!! You can't even wank any more???? My God, it's worse than Iran!

Well there's SOMETHING in the bread fucking us all up. I don't care what they call it, gluten, proteins, whatever. All I know is that whenever I eat 'pain anglais' as the French call it (anything bread-y in England or the US) I get as sick as a parrot. I can eat pasta, bread etc. with no effects whatsoever in France

This is a good thing. Men have always historically wanted to control women's gossip (calling them nags and scolds for talking) because it empowers women and makes it less likely they'll be sitting targets for these shitty individuals. I wish I'd seen the name of the man who sexually assaulted me on a bathroom wall.

This show was done first in England by the BBC a few years ago. I think they just (very belatedly) ripped it off for the American audience. There was a horrific scene of a King Charles spaniel shrieking in pain because it's skull was too small for it's brain.

I am so sick of seeing shoes that look like instruments of torture. Cams, HOW does your dress stay up!! They all look fiiiine, however.

re Cadbury creme eggs - oh, the sheer undiluted pleasure of them!! You're supposed to bite the top off, then lick out the sugary goodness within. Try it. You will never be the same again.

Hm, Jessica Chastain as Marilyn? Can't really see it... She's incredibly petite and ethereal looking, what about someone a bit more bombshell-y? Totally love her tho.

I am speechless. Words can't even describe how appalling this is.

uh, come on guys. Falling for a hot blonde is human nature. yes, human nature can seem unoriginal, but so what? He's doing whatever the hell he wants and more power to him.

He did it. I hope they execute him.

This is a great article!! I am 23 and I've been with a few guys, but honestly I wish I'd been more in touch with myself at a younger age. If I had been I would have realised I wasn't really interested/ready, and just waited for someone to come along who i couldn't resist instead of settling. I'd still be a virgin, i

Bwahaha, okay that picture makes up for it

Purple prose is vomit-inducing

Yeah, cause we women are all emotion and not rationality! What the hell are you doing trolling this site? Go back to posting pictures of bacon on reddit.

You are pitifully deluded. Go get some serious therapy and address your childhood traumas (let me guess, your parents were wretched together) or you will be alone your whole life.