
Oh for God's sake. Women aren't all scheming harridans who want to 'lock down' pwecious peter-pan mensies. If your buddies actually helped with the child-raising and housework their wives probably wouldn't be too exhausted and resentful to fuck them.

WTF??????? Get out of here you smelly troll

I really think it is partly because men are stronger and have more stamina. They just don't tire as easily. A good test of whether one is with a selfish jerk is to tell them you get more tired, then see if they listen or just ignore you and expect you to keep up on marathon hikes/sporting events/late nights AND expect


Well that's a charming comment

I think making yourself have sex when you're not interested is complete garbage. I'm sick of being told by people that I should do what they recommend without being guided by my own desires. The only time I have sex is when I strongly feel like I want to knock a guy down and jump on him.

Go for it!! Everyone has to step off that treadmill at some point or else go insane. So many people are afraid to get off because they have based their self-worth on their job, but if you can, run!

Yeah, it's great she has chosen a kinky lifestyle in which she can glory in her pregnancy fetish. What is not so great is that she is trying to force it on everyone else, including her daughters (who have to remain virgins, take the blame for 'arousing' men if they step out of line, etc etc). So it's great you're

I am having a hard time understanding all this outrage on behalf of Michelle Duggar. This is a woman who has brought women into the world to be neglected (don't tell me every one of those middle children gets their emotional needs met by their parents) and a woman who uses her five older daughters as maids while

This is so, so sad. I can't even describe how I feel right now. It feels like I'm watching the death throes of the European Union, as the southern countries get poorer and poorer and more and more batshit crazy (see the rise of the Golden Dawn party in Greece). Spain has just ground to a halt and is now slipping right

Whew! I'm 23, so it's nice to know it goes uphill from here!

Oh my God, this looks terrible!!! Ok, I know it's a pink train going into a mountain, but still, painfully evocative... I didn't feel a damn thing, good or bad.

Ok, why the hell are they all bendy? No one's vagina is shaped like that!

Now playing

Has everyone seen this video? It's incredible (gender swap, French director)

Agreed. And men are SO much cooler and more attractive when they don't come over so desperate. The 'ok, I'd like to sleep with you but I'm going to be fine if it doesn't happen' makes me WAY more into them.

Not judging you, but you are definitely in the minority. And I really can't stand the whole 'the more you do it the more you'll like it' argument. It's one of the ways the patriarchy has mind-fucked us and convinced the majority (who don't dig casual sex) to allow themselves to be used.

The calling a friend trick also isn't some kind of magic wand that makes you invulnerable! If you are alone with someone stronger than you there is always a risk they may kill you. Then yeah, your friend will be able to call the police later so they can find your body.

This is heartbreaking - I am so glad you wrote that honest obituary, and can bear witness to your own truth. I really hope that one day you can reunite with your siblings, and all realize that nothing you did to each other was your fault. It sounds like there really was true love and tenderness between you and the

I absolutely adore these dresses. But WHO has that kind of money just lying around to spend on a dress??? Madness I say, madness!!

PREACH!!! Madam, I salute you. Someone get me a saluting gif!