
Katherine Neville did a fabulous job of describing this region in her book The Eight. It’s made me want to visit, even though I hate heat. But since it’s a dry heat no worries right? Lol. Seriously, dust devils, camels, oasis...all the romance...

I got ripped by people for stating the exact same thing on another thread. But I stand my ground, and I agree with you. He is a lot sleazier than he was portrayed to be in the other Gawker article. 17 my ass.

A companion picture. Also beautiful.

Mesmerizing. Of course, I’ll have nightmares about this machine, except that it won’t be engines being dropped into it, but me. Something to look forward to!

Great minds and all... :)


I just listened to this song this morning. Never cared for her music when it came out but now I’m becoming more and more fascinated by it. The only singer I can even remotely compare her to would be Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders, but where her vibrato I found grating, Amy’s feels soulful. What a shame she became

I love my Echo, but if the day ever comes where I thank Alexis and she says “You’re welcome” (unprompted) I will seriously lose my shit.

I tried reading Archie when I was a kid and just never got into it. Everything, from the graphics to the writing, just felt childish and goofy to me. But graphically this looks great and the writing is miles above what I remember. I may have to buy this...

Top picture looks like speratozoa to me. (I’ll go crawl back in the gutter now...)

I agree about George Lucas. Thanks for these, beautiful stuff.

Gorgeous. I would love to have some of those designs to put in various rooms in my house.

I learned more about chemistry and physics from reading Alton Brown’s I’m Just Here For The Food than I ever did in school.

Her acting out just made it easier for her husband to get her committed against her will. These days, she’d get a divorce, get some therapy / rehab and get on with her life.

The Owl and The Pussycat

And if it’s pronounced Low-gee (soft “g”) it reminds me of loogie which...eww.

Oh, that was an unintended consequence. It was just a ridiculous situation all the way around. All she wanted was a divorce. That’s all.

Math is like the itch I can never reach to scratch.

Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. :)

I read an article once that said she spent all day in her office on her computer, , taking care of her investments. IIRC at the time she was really into cow futures or some such...