
As a white male I too have known the sting of realizing that the entire world might not revolve around me, and I thank the authors of this petition for doing their part to correct this grave injustice.

Yeah, I figured there was more that we didn’t know. Maybe she is brainwashing them. But with that said, yelling at them and demanding they have a healthy relationship isn’t going to fix it. How arrogant must you be to believe you can just say something and make it true.

I was just coming here to say the same thing. Just like sprinters have “wind aided” times, Steffi Graf should have “Gunther Parche aided” victories. Not that she wasn’t great, of course, but she’d be hard pressed to take a game off Serena, let alone a set.

Right??? I do not understand the rabid defense of the mother in the situation because every single article from the local press has mentioned that the children’s advocates are not siding with the mother and have raised some very, very serious concerns about the children’s mental well-being.

Come back when Rousey does it for 20 years. Not taking anything away from her, but she’s nowhere close to Serena.

Given that their father left them in jail not allowed to see one another or have their mom or any of her family visit while he fucked off out of the country for two weeks, I’m entirely willing to believe they’ve got damn good reasons for wanting nothing to do with him.

Greatness. Pure greatness. She inspires me and countless other little black girls to not be ashamed of our bodies, our strength, our hair, just fucking everything. The Williams sisters are by far my favorite athletes and are some of the best in their sport. People will talk shit, some deserved, but she is the best.

Serena is the most dominant athlete in sports. It’s not even close.

However, if Chris Farley were still alive...

Me too.

Ouch, I was just thinking, that would hurt...

Holy HIPAA violation Batman! I know in this day and age we expect to have all information available to us at all times, but tweeting someone’s medical records is pretty serious shit (assuming this is legit). God help the person who did that if the metadata in the file can lead back to them and the hospital is probably

I ignored her when she made it big when I was a teenager. I was busy headbanging to Pantera and Slayer at that time. But damn is she good. I keep hearing all of my favourite jazz artists in her.

I agree this kid should be sentenced to prison for what he did.

On bad days, you’re Alec Baldwin. On worse days, you’re this spoon.

So did I! I had no idea this song would be posted by Jez later on.

Social media? It stuck in the news because John Oliver brought it up on his show. Then the media ran with it. Not because someone on tumblr or facebook wrote a post on it. Come on. Give credit where credit is due.

I really, really am getting tired of hearing a reference to Star Wars every time someone comes up with a multiple star system. George Lucas hardly invented the idea. Here is Lucian Rudaux showing us back in the 1930s what some of the effects might be of living on a planet with more than one sun (2 is the shadow cast

The amount of the public still supporting him is substantial. His celebrity pals ought to be fucking ashamed. Whoopi Goldberg’s flippant joke about qualude use in the 80’s should have gotten her fired. They all knew this was going on, all of them. They are moral cowards.

My neighborhood is very quiet and peaceful most of the day and night, thanks to my constant calls to the police. Almost everyone in the neighborhood knows the rules! If you are loud you will have a cop knocking on your door.