The knives are already coming out. Some of Bernie’s supporters (not all of them) apparently learned nothing from 2016,and I think it is awfully presumptuous to believe that all of Warren’s supporters would support Bernie in any event.
The knives are already coming out. Some of Bernie’s supporters (not all of them) apparently learned nothing from 2016,and I think it is awfully presumptuous to believe that all of Warren’s supporters would support Bernie in any event.
LOL— you mean like how Bernie dropped out early in 2016, when it was crystal clear he had no path to win the nomination? The man stayed in the race until June, even though he was mathematically eliminated from winning the race in terms of pledged delegates by March. This race is far more fluid, it has more…
No. I think we’ve all seen enough at this point. Trump is nuts and isn’t mentally fit to be in office. The palace intrigue has worn off at this point.
I would also struggle to vote for Gabbard. Out of everyone in the field, she is the one that I find most troublesome (other than Trump). I don’t know who the hell she thinks she is talking about people’s records, given her meeting with Assad (without any delegation), and her prior stances on LGBT issues, among many…
I think Erika’s husband may have a salary that would let them live comfortably, but certainly not the type of salary that would rival the net worth of LVP/Ken Todd or Adrienne Maloof. That’s why her husband is being sued....
Exactly. It’s clear to me that the dumb storyline about the dog is being peddled by Kyle and Lisa Rinna, because they want LVP off the show. Kyle has always seemed to be jealous of LVP. I have to say that the episodes without LVP (such as the glamping episode) were incredibly boring and I’ve actually stopped watching…
I think RHOBH is dead in the water without LVP. I wouldn’t consider myself a fan of LVP, but out of everyone on the current cast, I think she is the most entertaining. None of the other women on the show are interesting, and the ones that were entertaining (such as Camille and Kim) really aren’t on the show full time…
Perhaps. I don’t think any of the politicians in New York are particularly great. I thought he was one of the better mayors, especially compared to Giuliani and BdB. Dinkins was also good.
We hate Trump more than DeBlasio. If it came down to Trump v. DeBlasio, I’m pretty sure New Yorkers will pick DeBlasio.
I honestly didn’t mind Bloomberg. He had enormous faults (especially stop and frisk), but I thought he approached the job the right way—as an actual manager. DeBlasio, on the other hand, sucks. Homelessness seems to be getting worse under his watch. He really didn’t do much to reign in the NYPD. It’s pretty clear…
Ugh, why is BDB running?! I don’t know anyone (other than him) that is clamoring for him to run.
Trump would definitely cheat and use a golf cart. But there’s no way that tub of lard would win by running.
That to me is where the danger always was for Trump. It wasn’t the Russia collusion issue-- it had more to do with his finances, campaign finance violations, and his shady business dealings. All of that is within NY’s purview and jurisdiction.
His children are the worst kind of stupid: they actually believe that they got to their positions without any help from their father. And they’re so dumb, that they don’t realize the danger that the NYAG and NY UAO poses to their business.
The only good thing to come out of this administration is Laura Bennati’s Melania Trump impression.
He has the best genes and the best words. Truly the smartest president we’ve ever had
The same type of insecurity that compels Trump to claim or suggest that he graduated at the top of his class. He didn’t even graduate with honors or make dean’s list. I’m willing to bet his father also had to buy his way into Fordham as well.
Exactly. Leaving aside his politics and the accusations against him, his performance before the committee was in and of itself disqualifying. He demonstrated that he does not have the right temperament to be a judge in any court (appellate or the Supreme Court).