“I be fine with a woman as President. But I just don’t want Christine LaGarde to be that President.”
“I be fine with a woman as President. But I just don’t want Christine LaGarde to be that President.”
Noone seems to have learned anything from 2016.
I’ve seen plenty of this as well, and all it does is remove the uncertainty. Biden is the candidate, and Trump will win because the fuckin bros won’t turn out. Again.
Case in point: Me.
Exactly. Does noone remember this interview from 2016?
She didn’t just do well because she bodied Bloomberg. She also came with detailed itemized plans of who she will tax, how she will pay for her plans and she is the only who consistently tied economic and social/racial inequality to health care, education, climate change, child care, immigration etc. The only minus was…
Hi there very real and legitimate Sanders supporter with an account created an hour ago. Thanks for your contribution
She’s currently in 3rd in delegates. And Bernie isn’t in first. So, if you want to claim that “the primary is over”, then you better be prepared to vote Buttigieg in November.
Oh my god shut the fuck up, two states out of 50 have voted. I’m an obvious Bernie supporter but just shut upppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.
I truly feel for her because there is no good way to respond to national press reports that your fat buffoon of a father supposedly doesn’t want to take pictures with you because he thinks you’re overweight. Sure it’d be awesome for her to reply with “Hey pot, looking in the mirror!” but as I’m confident he’s paying…
Because no matter their feelings, political animals will always choose the “pragmatic” approach in order to solidify their relationship to centers of power.
this lawsuit is the most insane thing I’ve heard. It’s a factual description of the contents of a COURT document. It’s publicly available from the COURT... How the hell did anyone think that was even leverage worthy, much less winnable.
Her position on the LGBTQ community has changed and she does deserve credit for that since we all grow up and change our views as we experience life. Likewise, hearing what a brutal dictator has to say in an UNOFFICIAL capacity (a side thing on a refugee fact-finding mission) may (or may not) bring to light another…
Tulsi is a homophobe, apologists for dictators, and a Russian asset.
Exactly this, I loved how much of that game was dedicated to puzzles and gameplay without fighting enemies. Uncharted 4 had significantly more fighting than Shadow, but probably less than the first two.