
How so? She has a point: a belief in equality is a slippery and really is incompatible with conservative ideals.

If you believe the basic tenants of feminism like, equal pay, access to healthcare, bodily autonomy and reductions in sexual violence are “very progressive policy” then you probably aren’ta feminist to start with.

It’s like being the “cool girl” who’s “one of the guys.” Conservative women get praise specifically for rallying around causes that are seen as (and actually are) the opposite of what is actually in the self-interest of women at large. Same as the women that slut-shame other women to fit in with the men and be “cool.”

Progressive ideas like being against rape, tolerance for the LGBT community and equal pay. This offends the male nerds-who-can’t-get-laid base of the GOP. Let’s check in with the Republican base as they had something to say today...

Oh, well racism is OK then.

I really wish the fall back were this sat night instead of next sat night. It’s so dark in the mornings now so when I leave early it’s pitch black. I’d rather have a little more light in the mornings vs. the evenings at this point in the year. 

Life long Cleveland fan and native Clevelander here - that shit’s racist. We can deny it all we want to, but racism is subtle and it never matters what the intent is, only what the outcome is. And bullshit on the “It’s only now a problem” argument. There have been protests at our games for over 20 years.

wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, do you need a safe space?

A lot of dumb shit in your comment to unpack - let’s just focus on the low-hanging fruit:

It didn’t suddenly become racist. It was always racist. People are trying to be less racist and more sensitive to other cultures. Except for Trump supporters. Racism and insensitivity is their wheelhouse.

Just because something originated a long time ago doesn’t make it right.

There’s nothing sudden about it. Just like how you’re not suddenly ignorant.

The world doesn’t only exist under your gaze, SalMandini. This is not “suddenly” an issue.

“This isn’t exactly new territory for Indians fans, many of whom are eager to point out that the logo isn’t actually racist because it wasn’t meant to be racist, or that Chief Wahoo is fine because he reminds them of watching baseball with their dads, or that they heard Native Americans have other shit to worry

Holy shit, check out the comment history on Edgy McLadyhater over here.

Shhhhhh don’t tell him sometimes women are TALLER than men. And older!

when it’s socially acceptable for women to do fun stuff they’ll do fun stuff

Where did you get that the Premier League is the best league in the world out of this story?

I never really noticed a drastic increase of yellow cards when the ball gets near the goal, but that’s just me. In fact I’d say there’s less around the net because the refs are reluctant to call a penalty shot unless it’s clear.