
no one had any real idea about who was good and who was bad and who would win (probably Manchester City)

Your premise for the first point is that small and large states have distinct interests. That’s probably true. What probably isn’t true (anymore) is that the separation of those interests is important enough to divy representation along those lines rather than something more appropriate for today’s society and

Also, please stop talking about the Senate being unfair because it gives equal representation to every state.

Hats on dogs? Pic related

Susan Gurney is clearly an ignorant self-hater. Women experience cognitive decline after 55, but magical men don’t? Makes sense, so let’s put a man who is 2 years older than the woman running) in office. And the thing about the way they speak? Whaaaat? She hears rationality, intelligence, and coherence when Trump

Well, I agree with you, but I don’t think that’s a great example, because what that is actually an example of is compromise, and compromise is something we all must do in a liberal democracy, especially one as large and diverse as ours.

Ok I’ll bite.

IMO, it’s not wrong to quote him within a certain context, but suggesting that PP is taking a page out of Hitler’s book is A) wrong and B) seems to indicate that she thinks PP has actually studied Hitler. Not to mention that that method of “propaganda” also applies to advertising in general and Donald Trump’s entire

Anything that comes after “Great quote from Hitler!” is probably not that great at all. It also didn’t help that she described him as “profound” and how we should listen closely.

duh she’s not allowed to have any ambition!!

I always thought it was the damn Evangelicals who were most anti-Catholic, what with them sending missionaries to Central America to convert the Catholics to “Christianity.”

Look, I’m getting real sick of you women folk saying this every damn time that a man makes the smallest mention of a woman being bossy, or trying too hard, or needing to smile more. /s

I read an editorial piece in our local paper from some white, English dude on “why I would vote for trump I feel I were American”. The whole piece was basically acknowledging how shite trump is, while grudgingly admitting Hilary is better qualified, but that he would vote for trump because Clinton “isn’t warm”.

You cared enough to comment.

 some argue that her laser focus on winning the election has been more of a detriment than anything else.

I definitely got that vibe too. Did you see how he almost clapped her on the shoulder as he walked to his seat after finishing his speech?? Like “ok that was fun, now it’s your turn pal!” And then when she sat down after her set, he tried to lean over and chat, like he honestly didn’t see a difference between their

The key is empathy: humour and empathy are concomitant qualities.

I’ve seen a few people refer to him making fun of himself — but the “joke” they reference is the Melania thing. WHICH WAS NOT IN FACT A JOKE ABOUT HIM. This bothers me on multiple levels.

The left always has better jokes and joke writers because they punch up, whereas republicans find humor(?) in doing the opposite. And that line about “Governor Cuomo and Mayors Bloomberg, Dinkins, DeBlasio...so many honorable elected officials here with us tonight...and then there’s Rudy Giuliani...” Nice.

I’m thinking maybe Berba’s “effortlessness” was due to something else, but he was definitely very talented and great to watch