
Well sure he has a penis and, as is abundantly clear to basically anyone who does not have one, a large percentage of the population thinks that having a penis is a requirement for the presidency. Look bottom line Biden would have had major issues if he had run. He’s said a lot stupid shit over the years, he’s been

Bro. We’re talking about the social politics of motherhood here. And you chime in with “that’s not how it is... me and my wife...”?

I hover because my black son could be killed. Fuck. All. Of. This.

He’ll just blame the kid’s mother for not watching him closely enough.

And it will be her fault - her kid fell and hurt himself, she has to handle all the care, and then everyone will ask HER why she would let that happen.

That plus the complete disregard for the concerns of the woman who wrote the piece (maybe keep an eye on my kids and don’t let them climb on your roof is apparently too much to ask) and mothers in general. He sounds like a gem.

I just actually read that article and can confirm that this dude is a douche. His total lack of respect for women - who are responsible for all terrible parenting ever - combined with his smugness, disregard for other people’s preferences and boundaries, and apparent blindness to the fact that he is still raising

My (black male) immediate thought is this:

Ugh. He’s whining about a “mom philosophy” about overly sheltering kids when one of the main voices fighting this trend (and for far longer than this guy has been whining) is Lenore Skenazy, a mom who promotes letting kids go out and play.

Mike Lanza is the Ultimate Helicopter parent. The article failed to mention that Mike Lanza spearheaded Measure M and measure to designed to derail any development on the 11 acres of former car lots about a 1/2 mile from his house. He reason, he didn’t want any additional traffic on a major street that his kids needed

Excellent point that this has a serious gender component - this dude can be lauded for these things because he’s the dad, not the mom. The balance between the apparent horror of being an overly-attached mother and the intense criticism of not being the perfectly supportive mom seems...nonexistent. Sure, those moms are

I know— I wandered around as a relatively free-range ‘70s kid & ‘80s teen myself— but this Lanza bro was specifically wistfully reminiscing about his ‘60s utopia commune upbringing. Not realizing that the world has moved on is common to his type.

They clearly don’t give two fucks about her. They never mentioned her, only the boys that this “father” needs to be with.

You know what, it’s quite plausible that she’s devastated at the thought of not having her dad in her life

This is so sad. This is why, the volume needs to continue to be turned way up, when we talk about gender equity. The reason why this happened is because our society, still values boys over girls and men over women. What this does, is teach those sons, and the boys in this community, that they are more valuable than

I live in this neighborhood. There is a great park about 3 blocks away, possibly a 5 minute walk. Lots of other close parks/playgrounds close. I’d appreciate him getting his stupid plastic kids playing signs out of the middle of the street. We get it, kids in the neighborhood, but the street is not your personal

The thing that pisses me off most is this dude is trying to force his kids to have the same childhood he did. Parents who do this are seriously messed up. I grew up on a 70 acre farm with 4 older siblings. We did A LOT of dangerous, freeform play. There is no way in hell I would try and recreate that for my 2

So, if he’s so worried about “helicopter parenting,” what’s wrong with taking your kids to a normal playground, and I don’t know, letting them roam around?

You know, a sociology book I read talked about the behaviors that are encouraged in boys so that they won’t be so-called “wusses.” Things like aggression, being quick to anger, being competitive, obsessive pursuit of a goal, etc. These behaviors are also considered coronary-inducing behaviors, and, in fact, men lag

I hover because I don’t want some judgmental asshole deciding I’m “neglectful” and calling the cops. It’d be a waste of resources on an already taxed system, bro.