
Yeah, but those are assholes. Anyone who actually supported Bernie Sanders and his platform and wasn’t just a dick who hates the idea of a female President would not be voting for Trump. I know a few who are going third party, but the vast majority are firmly on the Clinton train. There is no way you believe in

This is a man who loves to dish it out, but can never take it. He straight up accused her (with no proof) of paying people to riot at his rallies, and she didn’t bat an eyelash. She gets medium-sassy and his head explodes.

And what provoked it? Her making a joke at the expense of his tax evasion. A tiny little jab which doesn’t even hold a candle to the sorts of things he’s said about her.

I have a question:

Ahh yes, the great American call of “Fuck you, you don’t live here.”; uttered while never once realizing that you share the continent with 150 million other people who will be affected by your decisions.

Clinton’s support of her husband who raped women is okay while Trump’s horrid behavior gets picked apart?

Yeah, growing up in a very libertarian leaning republican household, libertarian is not this enlightened, altruistic political philosophy. First off, most of them use civil liberties to defend their own bigotry and second let’s all look at Colorado Springs to see how well libertarian policies worked when implemented

A lot of people don’t understand that you don’t have to like someone in order to vote for them. You’re not going to date them, they’re not going to be your roomate. Vote for the most competent, qualified and reasonable candidate who actually has a chance to win. And we all know who that candidate is.

Both candidates are historically unpopular. One is a monster with no discernible human feelings, who takes and gropes and whines and threatens and mocks and hates and spews and looms and sputters and fails and bankrupts and steals and looks at the United States and says, “Pretty nice country you got here, it’d be a

The idea that people exist who are more liberal than the mean of Democratic philosophy is not crazy. It’s expected. The Democratic Party is a coalition party that requires a stitching together of myriad different factions with different ideologies. In practice, this becomes a center-left party that will have pragmatic

As a Canadian, watching your quadrennial shit show from North of the border, and thus getting some of our news unfettered by America media, I can tell you unequivocally that Gary Johnson is a moron. He couldn’t find the rest of the world with a GPS-enabled globe, he has no clue how government works (spare the “it

“What is Aleppo?”

Just... No. I’m not a huge fan of Hillary, but Gary Johnson is not even close to being qualified at all, let alone more qualified than she is. This is so objectively false that I’m not even going to list reasons. It would be like arguing with someone about why we can’t just force Mexico to pay for a wall on the border.

Being thirty-one and referring to adults your own age as “girls” might be holding you back a bit.

My opinion is always that unless you have a family member on the teams competing, you deal with getting a free meal and booze and don’t watch the game. It’s not that important

No, I’m not. I’d say roughly 50% of my friends are Cubs fans. And if it means that much to them, they can stay home and watch it. Nobody is forcing them to go to this wedding (unless they are in it, in which case, suck it up).

7. If you’re blocking a kid or an old lady’s view, be sure to turn around and ask, “Am I blocking you?” so that they can politely say “Oh no, it’s fine!” when it’s really not.


No, because you either don’t understand (or are misusing) zero sum, or you don’t understand how the fractured Republican party has hurt itself while also hurting the Democratic party.

Ugh sounds exactly like my mother. She’s “tired of the establishment” and similarly wants to “burn it all down.” Ya know, the very middle class older white lady with a mortgage payment, and well-paying job. Yeah Mom, truly the Revolution would benefit you...