
You might have a point if the article, or the comment you replied to, was actually about *losing weight*. It’s not.

I suppose that’s nice, but it doesn’t have much to do with my comment.

I’ve always wanted to ask one of y’all this: do you authentically believe you’re the first person to tell people these things, or do you just think it’s important that they hear it from you, specifically?

I didn’t blame my genetics for anything—I never once mentioned my body.

Since you understand how this procedure works and why people might elect to have it, why are you commenting about the issues in question being fixable via diet and exercise? All people have SOME fat, and you’re right—they can’t control where it goes.

Oh trust—I’m sure all women do their best to, at least once you’ve opened your mouth.

You won’t change your fundamental shape or where your body stores the minimal fat you’ve got left, though, which is the purpose of these procedures and is why all these comments about losing weight look stupid here. Even when it’s not the point, people still can’t help jumping in to parrot about how to get skinny when

You cared enough about the existence of women who might be try to cheat/not work hard enough at weight loss to bring them up when the article wasn’t about one, or about weight loss at all. And even when you acknowledged you were incorrect about the procedure, you still felt the need to re-assert that those people

I guess I think you should examine why you’re so bothered by women who might be “seeking the magic wand” as to comment on them reflexively when they’re not relevant to particular conversation.

You are the first one to bother to do math about it, though. And you’re certainly all over this thread preaching the gospel of the obvious.

It’s funny—reading comprehension and understanding the facts about various procedures don’t actually have anything to do with weight.

I’m not saying I think they’re a good substitute for natural weight loss, I’m saying natural weight loss CAN’T always achieve what they achieve, whether they’re a good idea or not (I happen to be on team “no,” myself, but my opinion isn’t the point).

But if you mom had only found the right kind of exercise, or maybe eaten more carrots, she could have shrunken her bones! That’s what science told all the people who are missing the point of this article/procedure, and who don’t understand that humans do actually come in many shapes.

Why is this so important to you?

Wow, they should give you a Nobel prize for that.

This may shock you, but there are people whose arms and legs aren’t “plump” even though they have fat pockets they don’t like in other places.

I guess it’s a good thing the primary purpose of this procedure isn’t to simply be “skinnier,” then.

Your last sentence misses the point, though I’m sure it won’t stop you from parroting it everywhere.

Wah! Brats! Social media! Go outside!

Again—can you read? Because it really seems like you either can’t, or don’t care to.