
Nobody cares about your boner!

“Just eat right and exercise, duh!” people would cry if they had to eat as little as I do and work out as much as I do just to maintain. Then they’d get really fat.

Oh, you caught me, this is what I do all day, stuffing cookies in my mouth.

They’re not so rare if I know them and I’m not even in the triathlon world. What is your stake here? Why are you so interested in refuting the claims that complete strangers make about their body and their eating habits? It’s deranged. My comments aren’t going to make anyone feel like their body is okay if they know

No shit. Now for the actual point of this procedure.... People have to be just playing dumb if they actually think the purpose of this kind of procedure is overall fat loss. Do you think people who get breast implants would be better off just to eat enough calories to gain the amount of weight required to go up those

I was not born just to please your eyes.

Even if she lost weight, though, she’d still have the box shape she hated so much. :(

I love getting called a “lazy whiner” after losing 75 pounds, being in the sacrosanct “healthy BMI range” and still being too fat for certain people because of some visible fat deposits.

They’re also incorrectly conflating it with weight loss when it’s purpose is literally in the name: CoolSculpting. As some pointed out in another thread, stuff like that and liposuction don’t result in significant weight loss. No one is paying a thousand or more just to drop 2 lbs at best.

But you must be wrong because other people have had a different experience and lost weight through WILL POWER and SELF CONTROL. /s

Whoomp, there it is!

Mike Pence is an absolute disaster of a human being whose argument for his own capacity for reason relies almost entirely on him standing next to Donald Trump as often as possible. Tim Kaine has all the markings of an empty suit.

“Lotta Lazy Whiners in This Thread” probably feels plenty good about herself already.

Me too! Well, not anymore—but I did a lot of hard core working out, cross fit, etc. and unless I was eating 1400 calories a day with mega exercise and constant hunger (hi 2010, we were miserable together!), I carried around excess flub. All these bitches in the comments saying it really is a simple issue of calorie

How hip of you.

Ummm... Mike Pence is fucking horrific.

Agreed. But apparently other people need occasional reminders that fit and healthy bodies sometimes carry a fat deposit or two.

Holy shit, we have a REAL scientist commenting on the site!

Meh, I do this but my body keeps disproportionate fat on my stomach. I don’t really like to keep my body fat as low as required that I’m happy with my stomach, as it makes me unhappy with the way I feel and with the rest of me. It’s annoying.

Eat less, work out more, weigh less and still have saddlebags.