BaaBaa Black

I think the problem is is that Trump’s dementia is no different to his behaviour from the last 70+ years or so. So...you can’t really call it a decline...technically speaking.

I swear Democrats can’t conduct a campaign to save their lives. Both 2016 and 2020 should have been complete sweeps for them, but instead they managed to lose one of those and make the other one a nail biter because they couldn’t figure out how to campaign in swing states, let alone challenge historically red states

You really think framing it as “guy can’t recover from jetlag in twelve days” is helping?

Sorry, Hootie, but I’m not gonna love him the best that, the best that I can. 

It baffles me that people keep framing it this way. Yes, Trump sucks. Yes, Biden is the better choice between the two of them. But why is he the choice?

Where did the jet lag come from? He was at Camp David for seven days up until the debate prepping for it so he didn’t just get off a plane. First it was a cold and now it’s jet lag?  Also, yeah he has a stutter, but his stutter didn’t make him talk gibberish or get completely lost in his train of thought.

At this fucking stage I’d take a Chet Hanks-Beyoncé ticket.

The reason it’s a story is because more than half of the voters might vote for that rapist criminal piece of crap.

I'd think, why was Michael Sheen dressed as a nun?

I’ve thought about that. The most confusing thing to me is that those bathroom bills potentially force male-presenting people into women’s bathrooms if they don’t have a penis. They are obsessed with genitals.

You ever notice how the TERF-Island Terfery is always focused on “rapists will transition in order to more easily rape people” a thing that normal people would file under “it’s already illegal to rob a bank.” Like if a cis person wants to walk into the wrong bathroom, there won’t be a team of Navy SEALs descending from

If we get Disqus back, at least we can block the trolls again.

“Inextricable,” maybe?

Don’t forget Leslie Knope Headlines and Rapping Jake Sisko.


I’ll give J.K. Rowling this:

If O’Neal came back I’d punch out a junkie and steal his meth.

Including all the sex abuse that goes on at the hands of the guards! Female prisoners are under a lot of threats that have nothing to do with trans people, and I wonder how much she’s done for prison reform and prison safety prior to this.

…so no actual facts behind the tantrum. you just cryin

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”