BaaBaa Black

It is a psychological tactic to make you feel guilty for not tipping that much and I’d bet that it works more often than not. 

Here’s a better example, to keep it apples to pommes:

I mean, you’re not actually ‘screwing them over’ if you choose not to tip 25% (which is ludicrous).  That 25% never actually existed in the first place; it’s merely a hamfisted suggestion by a little computer terminal.

I have never seen a restaurant even attempt to pay their workers a decent wage.  Just because something has been done a specific way before doesn’t make it the right way.  And a company choosing to offset costs by forcing the customers to pay their employees directly is not consumer friendly.  It isn’t. 

We are expected to tip for everything, not just luxury items. A streamer taking advantage of this for “content” doesn’t negate it’s truth.

The problem with the system is it’s based on check amount, not actual work done. A waiter at a very upscale resty that serves a older couple with food and a bottle of wine will have some huge tabs, but not likely need to get refills, extra napkins, more butter, etc., and will “earn” a fat tip. Meanwhile the guy

I just don’t agree Hollywood is the *most* morally bankrupt place on the planet, nor that it has the *most* morally bankrupt people in the world, that’s all.

So Jonathan Majors should be selling timeshares?

I dunno’. The Catholic Church still seems worse to me.

Hannah Montana had about four episodes where Trump got mentioned in a positive or neutral light. To the pre-2015 world, Trump was just a rich guy with a reality tv show and a weird tan. Had he not gone into politics, that would have been his legacy. Most probably wouldn’t even have remembered that time he took out an

Yes. It’s so sad that her dating pool is limited because of the publicity that comes from the future album she will be forced to record against her will about how shitty an ex boyfriend you are

He was on a press tour and of course rather than ask about the project he’s worked on and promoting, old relationship questions came up instead. Very stupid and unfair but part of the stupid and unfair game that is the film industry. Certainly no justification for "whatever" paradoxical delusional fans throw at him.

I just wish she’d sign NDAs too, and thus be barred from writing songs about her exes.

Why wouldn’t she have all her partners sign an NDA though?  It was so effective I had no idea she’d had such a long relationship.  Which is kind of amazing because I would think dealing with her world would be just exhausting after 2 days.

A Swiss miss

I seem to remember a cool little network of blogs that was struggling for years to find a devoted userbase and dozens of talented writers until a kindly old group of billionaires stepped in to help them out. And that little network of blogs, whom nobody liked, grew up to be... sold off piece by piece until maybe one

I can imagine the world now

Off topic, but it amazes me that of the Fantasy Island cast, somehow Herve made it into a James Bond flick but not Montalban. Feels like he would have made a great Bond villain.

If you’re using woke as a pejorative, then no, we’re not missing what you’re going for.

Even though the movie “My Father the Hero” is shit, the scene of Gerard Depardieu singing “thank heaven for little girls” at a resort where everyone thinks that his teenage daughter (played by a young Katherine Heigl) is his underage lover is actually quite funny.