BaaBaa Black

It doesn’t screw anyone over. If customers don’t tip then restaurants have to make up the difference. 

I read it as the opposite as I can’t imagine any company not having a morality clause in a celeb spokespersons contract that wouldn’t free them of any and all obligations to pay someone they had real evidence of criminal wrongdoing against.

Never heard anyone say “Boxing their gerbil” before so i’ll take your word for it.

I remember hearing the necrophiliac version of the story from a caller on MTV’s Loveline back in ‘99 or ‘00. Wouldn’t have expected it to become a somewhat popular urban legend.

I watched a few episodes of the show when it was airing and I came away with the same feeling. Maybe it can be argued that his co-stars were only as funny as they were b/c of Seinfeld’s presence but I can honestly say i’ve never once found him funny.

The price seems to have been based on when you went. When she went it was $6k for the cheapest room. I saw a comment on her video where someone said their room was like $4000 iirc.

You don’t have to watch it all in one sitting.

That helps to highlight another issue: movie execs who think that films fail because of poor salesmanship rather than a obvious drop in overall quality.

Being chewy, crunchy, and delicious?

Sounds like the opposite of the problem I had with Ascension.

Morph is limited to only duplicating physical abilities and, for some of those, at a lower tier. His Hulk is strong but is probably closer to the actual limits that Hulk’s physical form would have without the ability to get stronger with rage. So he can’t control the weather if he turned into Storm or shoot kinetic

They’re a troll. They aren’t here for reasoned discussion. They just want to annoy.

And the Tupac sighting.

IKR. As I was reading the article I kept thinking “I don’t recall seeing Coster-Waldau in that Russian sci-fi film.

Nah, you have to wait for it to hit Netflix and watch the whole thing simultaneously. Only way make the algorithm make Netflix save the show.

If I hadn’t been looking for something animated to scratch a sci-fi itch around 2 months or so ago I doubt i’d know it exists. Not sure if it was promoted at all.

Thinking of the commercials i’ve seen for the Vanderpump show, some seem about the right age for that. Never watched so I have no clue there.

I find it bizarre to frame their choice in this as ‘doing the right thing.’ I think decisions like this are entirely situational and should be a combo of doing what makes the rest of the cast comfortable and honoring the loss.

Also weird when I think of films like Walking Tall where Rock taking a beating was actually important to his character’s motivation.

All the Hawkeye discourse was people laughing at his mullet.