BaaBaa Black

You know, like sane people do.

First things first, Trump always finds lawyers because 1) there’s no shortage of scumbag Saul Goodman lawyers in the US and 2) because they all think that they’ll be the one to get Trump what he wants & will then be rewarded. They’re all even dumber than Trump is.

Kevin Sorbo saw her first!

Try finding Dole Whip in Luxembourg. 

I hear Dean Cain is looking for a leading lady.

She’s just screaming questions.

Maybe Gina Carano is a dumbass white supremacist who should be ostracized by polite society?

saying she was merely “asking questions”

She’s sending out the signal, and every potential employer now sees what an entitled, self-righteous, litigious, ignorant nightmare she is.

Don’t Disney and Luxembourg have about the same number of people?

rooted in her firing from Star Wars series The Mandalorian

Let me be as erudite as I can: fuck off. Not that I love the Disney Corporation, but that I hate idiots and antisemites.

Are you confusing Disney with Nickelodeon? Because Disney doesn’t own Nickelodeon. Disney has nothing to do with Nickelodeon. Disney has their own kids channel called, get this, the Disney Channel. Nickelodeon is owned by Paramount.

Schneider’s never worked with Disney and never served time behind bars

Disney’s supporting materials included a law review article written by one of Carano’s own attorneys

Right! A person who goes looking for assholes online will never find himself wanting. People are saying terrible, stupid shit, about every topic imaginable, right this second and forever. I’m not sure it helps to seek these things out for the purpose of responding to them.

People definitely should speak out against racism in general, but it isn’t necessarily always the right time/move for a white guy to weigh in about racism when the focus is on the words of Black folks. In other words, “we really need to hear what a white guy thinks about this” is exactly the kind of thing that a lot

I feel like half the time they insist the celebrity say “anything,” and then after the celebrity has said something, they complain that what they said wasn’t “enough.”

I’m pretty sure if he did say something about it a lot of people would accuse him of making it about him. 

“put pressure pon [Tom Holland]’s head... to say something, ANYTHING, about the disgusting racial abuse being thrown at our angel Fran.”