BaaBaa Black

I’d watch that.

He’s been saying this for years now. Heard Kevin Smith excitedly talking about it on one his podcasts a while back, and I tend to agree. Alan would be fantastic.

He’s big enough to pass as a former football player, blonde and funny. Make him the DCU’s Booster Gold?

No celebrity cares about anything other than themselves.”

It turns out everyone else’s signature was just green-screened in next to Margulies’.

How could you possibly know what they do or do not care about?

Hannah would sweat at how complicated the banality of evil has become just to manufacture even the thinnest veil of plausible deniability.

I honestly had to look it up just find a name I recognized. And I, for one, think that this whole thing could wrap up to a peaceful close if DJ Khaled would finally condemn Hamas.

Boy, was that a labored false equivalence.

They’re not just indiscriminately killing aid workers, they are deliberately targeting them. 

Their “Jewishness” is important because Glazer’s detractors have questioned his own “Jewishness”.

Dying Gazans Criticized for Not Using Last Words to Condemn Hamas

I think it’s a delicate issue.  But given how frequently supporters of Israel’s conduct in Gaza work to portray any criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic, I do think there’s value in noting how many Jewish people are also deeply troubled by Israel’s conduct.

I wonder if this is the worst take we'll see in the comments. It's a strong contender

It’s weird that saying “30,000 dead, many of them civilians, is a bad thing, and maybe we shouldn’t indiscriminately kill aid workers” is considered controversial by some people.

they’re probably too busy starving to hop on a podcast and talk about it

I think most people can figure out why one might hold the UN member, proud democracy and recipient of billions of dollars in US aid to a different standard than an anti-democratic terror group that rejects all rules of decency and humanity and gets no military or diplomatic support from the international community,

I’m fine with them being shot into it.

yeah but then the companies that make money on a product that’s probably harming the environment says theirs is safe.
Who do you believe?
We’ll need lots more independent study.