BaaBaa Black

The most amazing thing to me is that Yeoh is about 10 years past that age of where Hollywood throws out actresses for the young’uns. And yet given that she’s a POC and has a fairly noticeable accent, I swear that she must have at least 3 clones of her running around Hollywood to cover all the projects that she’s in.

I would totally watch a sequel that’s about where Dignam holed up after Queenan was killed, and then what he did after getting revenge.

Also every line in the entire scene where Queenan and Dignam are recruiting Billy to be a long-term undercover.  Absolute perfection from all three of them.

Cameron Diaz was in a different movie in gangs of new york, but I think that was because Scorcese got a little lost in the story on that one. I don’t blame her, since she’s a good actress, I blame him.

I read this whole article hoping it would help me understand what “the vibration’s good like Sunkist” was supposed to mean.

I thought he was... fine. Like a lot of actors who catch a lot of shit for being limited, he’s good in the right role and/or with the right director (See also: Kristen Stewart). He did well enough with the part, but I think he is to this movie what Cameron Diaz is to Gangs of New York: Not terrible, certainly not as

He was getting supporting role money rather than a bigger paycheck for the original supposed larger role, and he wasn’t getting paid extra for the hair extension grief.

Do you just lurk, waiting for reasons to insert politics into completely irrelevant conversations?

I think he’s talking about reshoots, but I don’t know if actors don’t get paid for those.

Baldwin’s line reading of, “Normally he’s a very nice guy. Don’t judge him from this meeting alone,” about Dignam always cracks me up.

“I’m the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.”

“Esteemed, old, white, male directors are owed the unquestioned obedience of their actors.” — the AV Club, when it doesn’t like the actor.

(That much is probably clear to anyone looking at his IMDb page.)

I’m not sure it’s so much that we have “amnesia” about Wahlberg’s crimes, as that we’re not sure what consequences you think he should suffer for them now.

Fun fact: his hair extensions were made from Marty’s eyebrows.

Can you imagine being Oscar-nominated for a film directed by the most esteemed director of his generation and complaining about the experience?”

What? How is not bringing up something that Wahlberg did 30+ years ago constantly an example of an “amnesiac, post-Trump pop culture”? It was incredibly shitty behavior and if you want to continue to personally be mad at him, that’s cool. But he’s apologized for it repeatedly and attempted to make amends and it has

I’m not a Wahlberg fan generally, but he’s funny and memorable in the Dignam role. He makes a big impression in a short amount of time on screen, in a cast that is utterly stacked.  Stealing scenes that have DiCaprio, Baldwin, and Sheen in them is quite a feat.

Get out of my grad school years 

4 Loko on Cheerios.