BaaBaa Black

No, no, no, you all have it wrong. The cup is a clue that Game of Thrones is, in fact, another park in Westworld, and none of them could see the cup because their programming prevents them from seeing anything that doesn’t belong in their world.

Yeah, there’s a double layer of mis-meaning at work: the word “socialism” is being applied to ideas that aren’t actually socialist, and the word “socialism” has been used for decades as a cultural epithet. Older Americans in particular recoil from the word because for their whole lives it meant “damn Russkies.”

Unfortunately politics tends to lend itself to oversimplification. If you put a two or three sentence proposal for universal healthcare down in front of most Americans they’d probably like it. But the moment you attach Democrat, or Socialist, or whatever else to that proposal, half the country would recoil in disgust.

I kind of like that Arrow is committed to the Harry Potter coda standard of bad haircut = middle age.

Omar’s whistling “A Hunting We Will Go.”  A weird distinction given that it’s the same tune, but it’s been confirmed and makes a lot more sense.

Only on television does the public domain provide the most threatening music for a character.

MAGLEX, especially written in capitals sounds like a Pokemon.

I think it works--Ray is semi-possessed, but Neron won’t be able to full take control of him until Ray consents, which the demon will try to manipulate him into doing in the next episode. 

I get why they don’t cast new actors for the flash forwards on Flash and Arrow (since it’s easier for the audience to emotionally connect if it’s the same people playing them, and probably also cheaper not having to cast anyone else)...but there’s a part of me that wishes they would just cast older actors. It’s

That’s fair. I think a part of me also just kind of wants Sara to be with Nyssa instead.

If your eggplant is burning, please see a doctor. 

I liked the Ava-Sara subplot, though it started to get a little annoying that Ava would almost get over her insecurities about their relationship, but another would surface. It was all understandable though, Sara was being really evasive about all the milestone stuff that Ava kept mentioning (moving in together,

Charlie being into Zari, do shapeshifters have an actual gender or just whatever they feel like at the time?

Nate and Neron both feeling betrayed by Hank was one of the best things in that confrontation.

Yeah, true, but I still got that feeling.

Also, this whole “Hank wanted to build a theme park” plotline which I guess we’re going with now even though it’s kind of stupid and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in the context of the season.

Dammit Ray, that was a poor Star lord impression. Evil Ray does look fun though,seems to be channeling the character he played in Scott pilgrim.

Nate tries to emotionally cope with the loss of a father he barely knew...while Zari hangs out the Waverider trying to decide what to text a guy. The writers clearly don’t know what to do with her.

+1 being glad they all accepted Nora wasn’t the murderer quickly

I was feeling it a lot more with this week’s episode. A big part of that being the stuff with Constantine and Nora. They’re a great pairing of characters, and there was a lot more pathos and emotional stakes to their confrontation with Neron; and their scenes made him into a more tangible villain.