BaaBaa Black

Can we talk about Mistress Sansa’s dominatrix outfit?

Ehhh. Idk about Catlyn, but Ned seemed like the type to expect puberty to kick in and smooth edges.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised

Maybe, but I’d really love for him to survive to kill Cersei.

Death by Snu Snu

Former child grows up, murders men, bakes them into food, feeds it to their father: “Aww yeah, Arya is a badass!”

Consider that Natalie Wood and Liz Taylor started as child actresses before becoming sex goddesses and Christina Ricci started as little Wednesday Addams and has gone on to do sex scenes.

You’re kidding me, right? He found out that she was a girl early in season 2.

Maisie gave an EW interview that posted after the episode that made it pretty clear that she felt very comfortable with the scene and was given plenty opportunities to say no or edit it so it still seems odd to be clutching out pearls since no one got concerned when she slashed Walder Frey’s throat.

I thought it was hilarious that it took spending less than 2 minutes with the Hound and Beric to push Arya to “get some while the gettin’s good.”

I kinda figured that story was like his “I fucked a bear story”  It was a tradition amongst frontiersman to exagerrate their exploits.

Oh get a grip. Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner are the same age. You watched them both grow up so stop having the vapors over Maisie and, by GOT standards, her very mild nudity.

She’s 22, it was her choice, and she owned the scene. She was completely in control in that trist. Did anyone really think that Gendry had any choice? This was Arya taking what she wanted. She’s strong.

It was the pivot - “the dead will be here before the sunrises...is the big woman here?”  Genius.

I made you a dragonglass spear.

And now we know why he likes big women!

I realize there’s something deeply wrong with me that I’m more comfortable watching Arya display sociopathic tendencies and murder people than I am watching her have sex. Or maybe it just makes me American.

I’ve noticed a lot of people online acting very uncomfortable about that scene. Not sure why it’s hard to see someone you only know from a show actually grow up into a woman. 

This episode was absolutely awesome, and it hit me like a brick that one of the underlying major themes of the show is the redemption of Jamie Lannister.

The big woman still here?