BaaBaa Black

Might I suggest teaching her to step through the knee as well? A kick to the balls will hurt, but adrenaline can get you through it. If you can put significant force on the front of the knee - not necessarily a hard kick but the full body weight behind it - you can do enough damage that they aren’t going to catch you. 

Thumbs into the eyes works too - I blinded my attempted rapist 20 years ago when I was just 19 - he was focused only on pinning my body and forgot about my hands .. I didn’t make the mistake of trying to punch him in the head because that would’ve forced him to protect his head.. first thing I did without hesitation

Is that what, “when in Rome” means?!

Pretty much the report lists a bunch of times that the Trump campaign wanted to collude with Russia and then wasn’t successful. Them asking for an apology is like a spouse who got on Tinder, being called a cheater, and then asking for an apology because no one matched with them.

Just to point out : No, Mueller did not determine that the campaign did not collude with Russia. It did, correctly in my estimation, conclude that a criminal case could not be built around that charge. But the entire first half of the report details what, in any sane persons definition, is collusion between the Trump

Then the entire exercise is pointless on his part.  If he can arrange things on such a precise level that half and only half of all of the organisms in the cosmos die, then he can easily change the nature of the cosmos to create a reality where doing that is completely unnecessary.  Which means that Thanos is

Is there evidence he did this, or is it just what you want to have happened? The deaths seemed to happen within a few minutes of each other in the movie. And like I said, I don’t think he thought this through at all.  Although I never read the comic, his motivation there (he was trying to impress a girl) actually

I was expecting Julia to not really be just human (because that’s stupid: “If someone asks if you (should be) a god, say ‘yes!’!”) and resurrect Quentin.  In general, though, I’m OK with Quentin being dead but still peeved if Julia is just human.

I've been trying to keep myself in media blackout before going to the movie. Hearing these plot details - idk - maybe when the movie unspools, it'll be no big deal; like revealed in the first ten minutes or something. Disney doesn't have to give away anything! They're going to break the all time opening weekend

I’m also quite fond of Blair Redford’s Thunderbird. Maybe they could bring him in as his character’s brother, Warpath? As for Sean Teale, I’d rather he get cast in another comic book role. Dude’s a good actor but Eclipse wasn’t that good of a character.

Well darn.

Look, I know it’s just one of those things. You don’t want to be spoiled about a show, don’t click on the article about the show. But if you don’t want to be spoiled about the episode, YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE TO BE SPOILED ABOUT A CHARACTER LEAVING OR DYING OR WHATEVER ON THE FUCKING FRONT PAGE OF AVCLUB.COM.

Side issue: Was it just me, or does the new Avengers: Endgame TV spot tonight ruin half the movie?

Although I watch Magicians live, I think a paragraph so no one gets spoiled accidentally makes sense in every show AV Club covers.

Eliot and Alice holding hands killed me.

I’m not crying, you’re crying! Fuck me, I’m going to miss him on this. The most disappointing thing was not letting Eliot have more of a reaction. That was a fantastic relationship.  I guess this is officially Julia’s story now.  

Maybe they could put an introductory paragraph at the start of each review, like their Game of Thrones reviews.

Do the contributors here know that their first paragraph is put on AV Club’s front page?

“Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be Bondo or free.”

Converts TO Catholicism are the fucking WORST! (Aside from those who just do it for marriage, to please your betrothed’s Catholic parents) They sing the loudest in Mass, volunteer for EVERYTHING (eucharistic minister, CCD teacher, charity drives for Por Cristo) and they are the most stringent Catholics when it comes