BaaBaa Black

But I read that they were offered a plea and they turned it down. If this is true and they are offered another plea, surely it will be worse than the first one they rejected. 

“No, no, it was fine! He wanted out of his contract to go do Umbrella Academy anyway!”

I’m going to take a guess that Oliva Jade comes by her idiocy honestly. It’s becoming pretty obvious that no one in this family is the brightest crayon in the box.

Pleading not guilty seems like a bad idea, especially when there’s so much evidence stacked against you.

Missed my favorite one

I also think Jaime won’t survive, but it’d be nice if he’ll be the one who... slays the Night King.

I loved that Jaime is the “old friend” he was referring to.

I appreciated the nerve of “What does a dragon eat?” “Anything it wants.

Hey, not for nothing, but Sam’s dad? Bit of a prick.

Jamie snatches Bran and takes him to the tower, where they make sweet passionate love. Bran sees, with his RavenSight, Drogon watching them through the windowTo keep the secret, Bran sighs, “the things I do for love” and pushes Drogon into a ravine, killing the Dragon with his magic raven powers.

Hey, now he’s Lord Tarly and that sword is rightfully his. He should be pleased.

Dolorous Edd: “Back, he’s got blue eyes!”

Daenerys: Hey, nice to meet you. I killed your dad.

You fuck right off with that nonsense. She's doing to make giant babies with tormund

You guys must have been really confused by Idiocracy.

Who among us over 30 years old can ever forget 1995'sFantasy” video

As a Wisconsinite, to quote Captain America “I get that reference.”

Fap is not something I acknowledge, so I don’t want to know what was happening during your Mariah Carey video time...

You realize that dog is essentially a Highlander for not changing in a decade. 

Time is not something I acknowledge, like the amount of time I spent watching Mariah Carey videos when I was 14