BaaBaa Black

Are we all related? My mom didn’t use salt or pepper because my dad didnt like “spice”. I thought pork chops were bland and terrible, chicken breasts were rubbery and that box mashed potatoes were also used as grout..

I still love ‘em. They’re good for a quick cheesesteak if I’m in the mood.

Man, I had the same experience with what I’ll generously describe as pre-prepared Italian food (e.g. spaghetti-o’s, chef boyardee, pizza rolls, etc.). These things were a staple in my diet up until I was about 23, like lunch at work every day and dinner most nights kind of staples. Then just all of a sudden I couldn’t

I would not be suprised if he invented the McRib as well, this guy is a true American hero. 

Yeah, no shit. This guy Gagliardi is a true hero American hero. Why is there no monument to him in Philly? They have a statue of a fictional movie character but nothing of a guy that invented Steak-umms and popcorn chicken!

Steak-umm AND popcorn chicken?

Paraphrasing a friend’s review: It was good to see Sandra Bullock make it through a movie without falling down for comedic effect. Well...almost.

That’s Mr. President, to you.

Being familiar with far too many cases of people who disowned their gay family members, and then pretended to a strong relationship after their deaths, I’m not inclined to automatically believe Shirley’s family. That said, it’s pretty telling that no one on the Green Book side denies that there was no attempt to get

A minuet of misdirection!

An intermezzo of iniquity!

An ensemble of dissemblage!!

An aria of argle bargle!

A cantata of “can’t ta th’ truth!”

Yeah but “black guy and white guy become friends” is like Oscar cat nip. If they could somehow throw in the Holocaust and a musical number it would somehow end up winning Best Picture for the next three years in a row.  

While I want to think that this outcry by the family is because they want the “true” story told on film, the cynical side of me wonders if they are just unhappy they are not getting a cut of the profits.

I saw Green Book after learning that the white guy’s son wrote the book and after a reading a lot of criticism that it’s from the white guy’s perspective/it’s not woke enough/etc. and it really influenced how I saw the film.

Do not underestimate the raw power of a man eating a folded-up pizza as a sandwich.

A veritable cornucopia of crass; a potpourri of contrivance if you will.

A symphony of lies! An opera buffa of balderdash! An oratorio of oratory flapdoodle! A requiem mass of mendacium! A concerto of contrivance! A sonata of subterfuge!