BaaBaa Black

As someone who deals with an actual, literal food allergy (Tree nuts put me into anaphylaxis pretty fucking quickly), I appreciate an article illustrating the difference. There’s a wide gulf between “quite debilitating” and “will literally fucking kill people.”

Why is the A.V. Club full of articles explaining what people mean?  Is it so important to direct the narrative that This Guy = Good, This Guy = Bad is necessary?  Why don’t you just let people make up their own minds? 

So Chance, you admit you touched her can!  No, Chance, don’t come any closer.  NOOOOO!!!!

And here is the problem with the growing social media apology complex.

Even in the initial quote without context it was pretty clear he wasn’t condoning that thought process or actually saying it’s OK to value black women’s suffering less. Just acknowledging the truth that he, and the media and most, not all but most, of society, let this story go because the victims were mostly black

The same answers as the students sitting around her....you mean...the correct answers?

When we win according to their stacked rules, they change the rules. 

I think the flashback to how Rebecca ended up in that place was pretty interesting and gave her some dimension.

If I was Nasukawa, the only way I’d do this would be if I was guaranteed a rematch, this time using K1 rules. 

I kind of like spending time with C and D level characters, actually. But maybe that’s just me.

That’s probably fair, about the Inner Circle. But initially it played to me a little more like Lorna and Andy being tempted by the Bad Guys, with the sinister Cuckoos and all that, which was certainly more exciting than a lot of the Underground stuff, and that was exacerbated when they introduced Reeva. Now the

How much did Nasukawa get paid? Despite the "mortal danger" factor, I'm sure this was a relatively easier payday for him than for Mayweather trying to sell this as an actual fight.

Time to pull out this DVD again...

Am I the only one who doesn’t believe that these are real fights?

A pro fighter who might owe the Yakuza money? Hard to believe! /s *snerk*

what’s taken more of a beating, his reputation, his wallet, or his exes?

I don’t know Ms Patton’s ‘technical’ makeup and other than if she had zero black ancestry, it wouldn’t matter: she culturally identifies as black. Her acting abilities don’t come into play either.

Robin Thicke wrote, produced, and played on his own shit, and has written for Brandy, MJB, and Brian McKnight.

I know we’re all supposed to hate Robin Thicke now, and yes, he has absolutely played himself these last few years, but I’d put his first three albums right up there with anything Maxwell or D’Angelo put out. Blurred Lines and Paula might be up there too, but I haven’t heard them.

Because this is the house shade built.