BaaBaa Black

Three small notes on the episode:

Yeah, started suspecting the same as watching that final scene. I think it a masterful misdirection in that they thought they had killed them all instead of setting them free. It is also a pretty smart way to set up the conflict for Karoline when the time comes.

I thought the NPC line was funny, but I’m not familiar with that being a meme.

As much as I enjoyed this episode, and I really did, Molly drove me nuts here. Even when they were trying to spell out her motivation, her utter faith in Topher kept just being so absurdly high. I mean she found multiple times in a row that he lied about his background, that he lied about his parents, he lied about

As a sidenote, despite my irritation about the way it was built up during the first season, I realized here how much they’ve made me invested in the Karo/Nico relationship as I sighed out of relief when it was revealed that Karo went to talk with her mother. I still dread the moment Nico finds out about Jonah, but at

“His name is Alex.” “I don’t think so.”

Poor Nico. This episode and last, she keeps getting shit on while having no one to take care of her. The reveal at the end is just what she needs to go dark (temporarily).

Yeah, but it still doesn’t really work. There is an affection there that hasn’t really been established. Again, I’m not against it, but rather this does reflect how incomprehensible some of the creative decisions of the first season were.

I feel like some of it can be explained by circumstance. Sure, if they were in their old lives, they would have had a slower progression. But now, with so much happening, essentially on their own, sharing a room, plus their age? Things move at superspeed. I do wish we saw more of those in-between moments though and it

I think this is the episode where my current difficulties with the Karo/Nico pairing kind of became clear to me. I actually like the pairing, think there is a fun dynamic and the actresses have good chemistry. Also the visual difference adds to things although I think this was the first episode where the height

I laughed so hard when the street punk decided to shake the Pride parents for money, also way to read the room dude, and the reaction be Geoffrey’s fury before Robert just slides in with the cash. They played that scene so perfectly.

Definitely agree that, since the major complaint about season one was the glacial pace, that it feels really refreshing that this season is dashing along quickly. Hopefully it sticks the landing and I don’t regret these words once I finish it. 

Hands down. I’d love to see Coulson comment on the Fistigons or the PRIDE parents

The scene where Nico killed Jonah, between the cuts, music, reaction-shots, ramifications, all of it. Damn. That makes this a show worth recommending. Lyrica Okano is amazing.

It really felt like the Aliens in the ship didn’t die. This is my theory having just seen this episode and not watched ahead.

The way Jonah died you could see particles leaving him like the light inside controlling him died. And I think those motes of light that scattered to the wind are members of Jonahs race leaving

I’d forgotten the “Fancy” designation.

Get your bullshit East Coast gatekeeping out of here.

I like so much about this show, the conflicts between the factions of adults work. The dramatic situations between the adults and the kids work. Hell, Chase is even hot enough that the romantic plot-lines work for me.

But dang I really hope they get better at action sequences. It feels like watching a turn-based combat

At least he didn’t pick Del Monte. Also, Whataburger’s Spicy Ketchup is pretty awesome.

I agree that Runaways is better than most of the Netflix stuff.