BaaBaa Black


yeah if you are lucky enough to cash fat checks for The Mouse, do NOT blow it by behaving like a shithead. Because your kids could continue cashing those checks long after you’re gone, and you’ve blown it for them with your incredibly poor life choices and devolving into Great Value Nic Cage..

I always figured they just used a made up drug to get past the censors. There’s no way a major studio would release a film with high schoolers snorting meth or crushed up Ritalin as the heroes.

That scene where Brittany Murphy’s shoving her toes into her boyfriend’s mouth...it’s enough to make a guy think “I dunno, maybe I’m into foot stuff?” every time he watches it.

Which isn’t, like, regularly or anything.

Wood was in the highly underappreciated Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency the last couple of years.  It was sadly not renewed for a third season.

Admittedly that’s more useful in everyday conversation than the alien one.

Isn’t Meth made from OTC meds?   I’m pretty sure that is why I carded when I need to buy something for my sniffles. 

I’m sure plenty of people would pay good money to see Johnny Depp blinded and shot in the legs too;)

To be fair the 90s edgy mentality was just grown from the 80 punk edgy and the 70s anti conformity movement from the 60s hippies and so on and so on. I’m not actually sure was 2018 young adults call them selves but I’m sure that about 25% of them are “counter culture” in some way rebelling against the system. In the

I honestly think Once Upon a Time in Mexico was really just ahead of its time.   I think had it come out now, under Trump and his anti-Mexican BS it would play a lot bigger.   Desperado is still the better movie though 

Have you ever watched Death to Smoochy ... ON WEED?? 


Twink Peaks is a script I wrote years ago and threw at a guy at The Waffle House who kind of looked like David Lynch.

Or, ya know, until he fills out and starts looking like Steve McQueen. 

I’ll ask you to keep reality out of this situation.

I rewatched The Faculty about a month ago, and that line still pops into my head from time to time. Very solid.

Rodriguez solves a similar problem much better in Spy Kids, when the kids immediately identify the Macguffin:

I’m still in love with Clea DuVall because of this movie.

Rodriquez isn’t the kind of director that would have let this movie end with a cookie cutter ending.

My single biggest problem with the movie (and I’m aware it may be part of the charm to some) is when the heroes gather together and essentially say, “Hey, let’s hypothesize a bunch of rules for these aliens’ behavior based on all the sci-fi movies we’ve seen, on the grounds that maybe all of them are real and we just

Rodriguez’s best work is definitely his early stuff.  Desperado is so much better than Once Upon a Time in Mexico it’s not funny.