BaaBaa Black

I agree that $160M is a crazy ask, but I don’t think they were getting anywhere near $18M per year at Vice. I guess their point is they needed more coin, and a writing team, to do 160 shows a year (that Vice didn’t want to pay).

This is the bottom line. Advertisers give zero fucks about morality, but they do care about losing money. The only way to get them to act right is to hit them in the bank account.

Yes, it is. The best part? He’s by far one of the best actors in the cast.

The Athletic’s communications director, emailed me to say that Thompson and Fichtenbaum had not seen my requests for comment, which apparently went to their spam folders.

I sincerely hope they send her a bill.

It’s like they don’t understand the difference between a public forum to speak and a privately owned one.

Leaving her there handcuffed to the door as people go in and out all evening is much more effective way of showing how much of a fool she is.

D. Or if one of the many actual Holocaust survivors of NYC came along and whacked her in the face with their cane or something.

Because the cops knew she would fold really quickly. She’s a white cishet lunatic and snowflake who didn’t even wear proper outwear for the current weather NYC is having.

She is so awful that she bridges the divide. I read about her anti-Omar tirade at 2 A.M. Omar is my rep so I did some digging.

Police are now telling Loomer that Twitter isn’t prosecuting her so they’re taking off and she can hang out as long as she wants.

‘Stop! Stop! I’m being persecuted!’

That header photo makes her look like a Jersey Shore version of Scarlett Johansson from “In Her Skin” and I’m slightly aroused? It’s been a weird day.

and the next night as well...desus was gracious, envy was a toddler and mero? spoilin’ for a fight.

They roasted the F outta him

You drive a Cherokee.

If you bring your wife & kids out on public television then they are open for tame jokes. Desus joke wasn’t even that hard. It was a proverbial light tap to the chin. For this clown to react the way he did on his show when Charlamagne goes at people’s throats everyday, all day and not expect fall back when he commits

Then DJ Envy played the clip in which Desus and Mero totally insinuated that Envy’s wife was sticking around for the check. Envy wasn’t going full light-skinned for being mad about that. It was a low blow for the talk show guests to take shots at Envy’s wife. Envy explained that wives and children were off-limits, and

He did NOT insinuate that she was there only for the money. Envy added that in himself. She said that she didn’t know DJ Envy by that name. Desus just joked that she must know that name because that is what he is paid off of. Not whatever his real name is.

“Beige Rage”