BaaBaa Black

From what I see in the other comments, there’s a lot of “ohh how convenient” or “screw them for their racist past”. What is NatGeo supposed to do? Keep being racist? I get that it’s late in the coming, but at least their trying, or trying to appear to be trying. Either way it means they’re moving in the right

What the ever-loving bleep is white culture anyway? Like in terms of something that can be ‘erased’? Our libraries and museums are full of stuff by old dead white dudes, and even if we (rightfully) make room for other stuff too, it’s not all going away. Day-to-day - I cannot think of anything we do as a white family

Bluntly acknowledging its own past in this way is indeed powerful, but it is not necessarily something, I think, that we should applaud, as much as we should expect ... especially at this time in our lives when race and discussions of racism and even general cultural insensitivity can be volatile, tense and perhaps

I think the scary thing is that NG was probably more progressive than many of the people of their time, quite frankly. The “noble savage” for instance, is a helluva lot more progressive than the “science” comparing the Irish to apes, which was a “serious” consideration during these eras.

“You don’t get a cookie for not being an asshole or trying to teach other people to not be assholes.”

Eh, I’ll know it when I see it.


Meanwhile it pictured “natives” elsewhere as exotics, famously and frequently unclothed, happy hunters, noble savages—every type of cliché.

You went to high school with Poochie?

I’m getting a JK Simmons as a corrupt FBI agent vibe.

I’m personally convinced that Jeff Bezos and Martin Skreli aren’t real people, but simply two-dimensional creations rejected by DC as too absurd for Superman’s rogues’ gallery.

I was thinking more like “dentist who just bought a Harley.”

That’s the first time I’ve actually seen a picture of Jeff Bezos. Is he actually trying to look like a supervillian?

If this story is real, you have made evening.

I got that at a local liquor store. I’d found some Summit on the shelf (I’m not in MN, so it’s hard to come by), and bought it (I might have said “Yoink!”), and it tasted....odd. I couldn’t place it, but it wasn’t right. I’d had a cold, maybe things still tasted off.

Want to see someone eat some really stale food? This guy opens and eats some truly ancient military meals

I’m gonna be honest for a hot second there while reading I thought they all got sick because they ate the cat food too.

It comes conveniently pre-ruined from the store. You just take it home and throw it directly in the trash.

When food in a regular store goes stale, do they ship it off to shitty little gas stations? I ask not just because I somehow ended up in Flint last night and after filling up I bought a Cherry Dr. Pepper (stale!) and some of those giant chewy Sweetarts (stale!), but in shitty little gas stations all over the country