BaaBaa Black

Did you read a different article? The above quotes are generally positive about Mario, just not that studio handling a story that has more depth.

Steel Rising must not have been popular enough to namecheck

Don’t ruin a good “First They Came...” bit with your logic.

Gamer is still the word for that.

Slow Horses.

Making sure the parents know is really the limit of what you should do unless you have reason to believe there to be imminent danger to the child from the parents. At that point you would contact the authorities.

Hey, 42 year old 80 kid happy to see a transformers movie that I don’t nope out of during the trailer. The only good things to come from bayformers were the numerous essays on why Bay sucks on YT.

To repeat a point I brought up about this on AVC, if an adult sees disturbing behaviors from a minor like overt sexual behavior, then they should report it as it could be an indicator of sexual abuse— and this person did exactly that.

Huh. Literally my first time hearing about any allegations against Gooding.

My guess is that this decision came from the corporate types who own the faze brand. They’re the same ones responsible for all the celeb signings.

Pretty sure the staff is down to 4 squirrels, 5 hamsters, and 1 Barsanti.

You posted the same image twice.

Let’s see...hollywood party...A-list...weird sexual aggression.

When you choose to reply to yourself out of a fear of making an opposing viewpoint visible you also make it impossible to tell what post you’re referencing.

Art blah blah subjectivity blah blah blah.

Why am I only now noticing that this site network desperately wants to be Buzzfeed?

If you continued reading it would have been very obvious why she gave that particular essay that name. Shutting your brain off isn’t the answer to seeing info you don’t like.

Unless the used glass was stuck in the ice cream tub after, its not really the same.

It would suck less if you could schedule orders like some of the major pizza chains let customers do.

When I added Max to my cable box it imported my login info without prompting so you might not need that info.