BaaBaa Black

Yeah, it gets really obvious that the diehards that have problems with Discovery and ‘Abrams Trek’ have limited swiss cheese recall of the franchise.

I expected someone to pitch Kreischer on a film version, but I was thinking they would go more for The Hangover or Bachelor Party with it.

Braden’s explanation makes sense to me, mainly b/c I was a fan of LeBatard back when he was on ESPN. It was a near daily complaint of Dan’s that Stugotz seemed to block off all awareness of other things being said when he was waiting for his turn to speak despite being in radio for close to 20 years.

Can’t attest to how well the spatchcock method works, but I can say from my limited try out that beer can chicken isn’t guaranteed to be dry.

Hernandez or Sanchez?


The pandemic divorce boom is proof of this.

Any restaurant that kicks customers out for presumed pre-visit substance use deserves to go out of business. If another customer complains about the odor, move them to an outside table or ask them to come back on another day.

Oh? Tell me how I don’t know what i’m talking about. Or take your own advice and shut the fuck up.

I think it should be a lot more embarrassing to be out over your skis in Amber Heard’s defense despite there being proof that she fabricated some of her evidence. Specifically the bed frame damage.


The behind the scenes craziness makes Snipes more interesting IMO.

Stevenson is one of maybe 3 actors who can pull offvillain obsessed with cost-effective tyranny.

Shouldn’t have referenced a series that burned up all of its season 1 goodwill.

If you’re in the SE US, you can still get fried apple pies at Church’s. IMO they’re superior to the Popeye’s one, but both are far better than the baked McD’s pies.

Finding out that Wild Cards is being shopped to Peacock is really killing my hopes here. ATM that service gives me the vibe of D+ but without compelling franchises.

You can’t really divorce that from this context.

Of all the things to give the guy shit for...you’re complaining that a professional broadcaster can say an English word smoothly? Is the word supposed to be hard to pronounce? Do you think it requires years of work with a dialect coach to say convincingly? 

If an autopsy reveals a different cause of death it would make any statement that assumed the facts based on the video incorrect and that could be used to justify a suit.

All in all, it is a bit shocking that Hollywood got out of the adapting Beowulf for theaters business after the Jolie CG one.