BaaBaa Black

A fair point.

Maybe its a matter of which you saw first. I caught this one last night and found it very funny but I can’t say that I laughed even once at “diner lobster” just now.

Can’t use the Hola VPN browser add-on?

Sometimes the Japanese just like to dick around with English sentence structure for shits and giggles.

Pretty much.

My favorite little known Dr. Seuss fact is that the correct pronunciation of the name is Soyce not Soose.

In the end, after he gets his grub, Scorpio leads them to Fuckface, catching the villain at a pound where he’s gone to get another puppy for him, well, “puppy love.”

Agreed. The “we’re not so different” bad guy philosophizing is an old cliche, but something about the way Stewart executed it here sold me on his character in a way that his first appearance didn’t.

What cocoas have you tried?

The ‘Bill Clinton’ from #3 looks like that trigger happy cop from the Police Academy movies to me.

Lemmy Kilmister has a cameo as the guy who found the penis.

From what I recall, she cut his dick off while he was sleeping. I believe did throw it out of her car window after.

Bobbitt did two porn movies. First was named ‘John Wayne Bobbitt Uncut’ iirc.

We didn’t hear the whole story because it got turned into a late night monologue joke.

I think Kady transformed the Bad News Bear into the coin Marina rubbed at since it had the image of a teddy-like bear on it, hence Kady getting a delivery of puppies for no reason...and its probably why that guy popped up after Marina touched the coin.

and a new kid named Jaden (who might as well have been named “red shirt”)

ItB is basically The Legend of the Monkey King set in a post-apoc timeline where there are no guns. So far there hasn’t been anything close to an extinction threatening event.

For reference, Mount was the mute that pointed at stuff and furrowed his brow.

Heh. Very true.

Sitcom she did with Essence Atkins.