BaaBaa Black

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Let’s see...

I was referring to Schumer’s IG post.

You might have to try merging in another browser or turning any ad or pop-up blocking off temporarily.

Is this a reply to someone? Because it appears to be one but I can’t tell who she is replying to.

That was account merge attempt #347 being successful. I hope.

I should move mine too, I guess. Pretty sure it was a reply to a reply so...eh.

mic check

I wonder what GRRM is doing right now.

Neal Brennan, Chapelle's co-writer, said in an interview that he was there on the day in question and there wasn't anything particularly noteworthy about the joke or the laugh. He went on to theorize that Dave had probably been feeling conflicted by his success for a long time and on that day it just boiled over.

The Saint killed the few others he touched, from what I recall.

Or the snake was taking out the competition for the meal first.

I think Clem's supposed to be one of the few on the plane with electrical know-how aside from Abe and, I think, Dariella.

I wouldn't go so far as to say its sick but yeah, if one half of the romantic pairing is a teen then the actors shouldn't be so obviously different in age.

I saw a pic of a group of kids wearing Panthers championship shirts last year.

A post so nice you submitted it twice.

<sp0iler> </sp0iler>

It was a pun based on the hand-to-hand test.

Catholic guilt?

Some time has to have passed since Jesse had, IIRC, over a hundred jazz clubs left to check before the Saint found Denis' apartment.