BaaBaa Black

Keep in mind that Tulip cooks (and thinks) like a 10 year old, and not the kind that would get on Masterchef Junior. She probably makes everything overly sweet.

Yes, I was saying that they were making her complex when she wasn't meant to be. The comment I replied to implied that she felt betrayed. She didn't kill herself because she felt betrayed, she did it because she was shallow as hell.

Ah. So its just kind of bizarre that you chose replying to me in a way that seemed to be framed as if you disagreed with me, when my post was about her not being complex.

Are you saying it didn't make sense? I'm not quite following what you're saying.

Aaah. I thought the name looked familiar.

Vulture recap of this ep

Its a fun read but that reviewer is very wrong about a lot of details.

For me, killing off all the important Dorne characters this fast makes all the time spent there even shittier than it was already.

Well if you want to have kids eventually you don't really have other options.

The show is in its third season.

The mention of Jesse's love for John Wayne in season one was responsible for one Cassidy's funniest lines.

Why does the headline mention the movie being set in the present as if that is out of the ordinary?

Why would the Freys be updated? Cersei doesn't seem think enough of them to keep them in the loop on what would be a non-essential matter for them given that they are in the south. The Freys also don't seem like they have a ton of friends.

Clearly I disagree. I think you're expecting way too much info to travel. And possibly expecting the lady's of the Frey house to have more knowledge than Walder would need them to have to serve his wine.

I'd pass on that. No way it wouldn't be a UST fest.

Wynonna's the one on the right.

The execution of that particular plot point bothers me. It makes no sense that only one revenant in the whole bar recognized her, given her penchant for toting the gun around at all times. Also, Wynonna's supposed to have been around the block enough times to pick up on the general undisguised skeevyness of that

If all of this was so clear that everyone knows, then why didn't Cersei bring up Arya's return during her conversation with Jaime? Clearly she knew about the Frey massacre. She definitely knows Sansa is in Winterfell with Jon, so she wouldn't believe it was Sansa.

She never called herself a wolf though. We can infer the meaning of what she said from the context we have as the audience. The people sharing that scene with her would not know who she is, and others in the show figuring it out would be fairly reliant on the witnesses.

The old lady who tried to help Sansa last season also used the Stark words. Does this now make her a member of the family?