BaaBaa Black

Agree on Kutcher being more sharp than his image suggests. I remember him being a good addition to the discussions on Real Time back when he was more vocal about politics.

Copley's accent is fun. Makes every line read feel a bit like a roller coaster ride.

Ah. I remembered the song from its TRL overplay but I didn't make the connection.

Heathers is the closest to the reality while PiP is closer to the nostalgic look back a decade or 2 after IMO.

From where you started your argument its less a leap and more of a shuffling of feet.

I recognize him as Johnny Royalle from Powers. I saw him in something else recently but i'm blanking on what it was atm.

Explain your last sentence please.

That kind of warning is useless. Use spoiler tags next time.

I find it interesting how people keep trying to give Tracy complication and depth.

The show turned into a mediocre replacement of itself with the season 2 special. Watched that ep 2 weeks ago and I haven't been able to convince myself to get back to the series since.

Its fine to theorize, but I think its fairly clear that things were not more complicated than what was presented.

Curiosity got piqued so I image searched. Fairly impressive amount of detail, hand thing aside.

Doesn't really work as a theory. The second movie showed the cars going into a public restroom and using stalls set up for cars.

Netflix has a lot of Korean TV now as well.

Yes. His sole, singular daughter.

I heard the original has foreskins in it.

I don't think Jesse told Fiore to find peace for Jesse's benefit. I think Jesse really did want Fiore to find peace since Fiore was on a very obvious self destructive tear. I think its more like a repeat of what happened when he told Meat Guy to serve God.

I wonder if that is better or worse than gouging someone's heart out with a spoon.

Yep, second season. Underused and then killed off in the Christmas special though.

…and that's how you ruin a great story.