BaaBaa Black

It's 2.

My pet theory has always been shitty implementation of the biblical 'golden rule'. They protect other officers from the consequences of their fuckups because they want to be protected from their own fuckups.

Yeah, it was a bit of a "listen, nod, and remain silent" situation at that part of thanksgiving.

Misogyny had its role in Hillary not getting elected, but her own political history had a sizeable part to play in that as well.

As Paterno didn't fuck the kids, that wording doesn't really work.

Kind of. Tupac is so wiry that it makes the guy playing him seem fat.

Why assume that i'm not?

Do we know that it wasn't? Based on the excerpt we just know that she referenced it because it made her uncomfortable, not because it wasn't a request that made sense.

Given that it was a casting call for an HBO show that had a not insignificant amount of nudity, I think it does become a reasonable thing to wonder about.

What's the point in that when DBZ Kai is available?

Seemed likely.


Its a collection of eight fairly vanilla comics about people having sex.

I think the idea behind them being great warriors works in the sense that their limitation of needing shadow gives them a near inescapable stealth attack. I think the show screwed up in trying to build their threat around them being the type of unstoppable force that they weren't instead of focusing on the type of

Except the doctor has made it pretty clear how he feels about soldiers or anyone of the like accompanying him.

Last ep Quill had sex with the black guy while inside a dimension where time progresses faster.

I can buy April beating Corakinus due to the link making her temporarily his equal. Also, their invasion strategy makes sense given that they need to take over their target's shadow, though I suppose that that strategy should be varied by shadow positioning.

I thought it ended with the guy being awarded Rae Dawn Chong for his efforts in expanding diversity.

Its a fairly shitty distinction since both are about displaying a wish to do harm to a public figure.

Its not really equivalent as she is an entertainer. The ones you named attempt to position themselves as legitimate news people until they come under fire.