BaaBaa Black

If you really want to know…

I'm aware that the Men on Film were played by Damon Wayans and David Alan Grier.

He has to win 5 more Oscars before we can okay that.

You shouldn't talk about that relationship! All the tabloid covers say its a secret! And they've been put it on every cover for the last 9 months to make sure we all get the message!

When did he mock gay people?

Sara Patrell was the little blonde girl from Chicago who went missing(kidnapped by Whispers) when Will was a child. She was somehow able to reach out to Will using her sensate abilities before Whispers experimented on her.

She's a singer/actress. You know her might know her from some combo of Disney, a fuckload of acne medicine commercials, or possibly the minor headlines she was attached to when Giuliana Rancic made a dumb joke about her 'probably smelling like patchouli and weed' at the Oscars in 2015.

The Clone Saga wasn't all bad. I liked seeing what it would be like if you had someone with Spider-Man's powers who wasn't restricting himself to a code.

I understood that reference.

So he's making the black guy a scapegoat for the android…

The Vision isn't black.


Yeah…that brings up a fun memory.

I recall reading an excerpt from an interview with a NBC exec a year or maybe three ago where they mentioned being able to move Grimm freely because its viewership was loyal enough to stick with the show no matter when they moved it to, so I wouldn't say we know that NBC doesn't still think of late Fridays as their

Eh, you might want their Poly sauce now and then.

But no heat-ray eyes or x-ray vision?

Is any of this really any weirder than naming your kids after people whose main trait can often be described as "dies tragically" from another popular book?

King is an acceptable name for boys and Queen for girls so…

The most important part was the reveal at the end that Abigail Spencer's mother is also Rittenhouse.

I wish The Finder (and Michael Clark Duncan, R.I.P) had survived just so we'd get to find out how they were going to try and tie that one into things.