BaaBaa Black

Simmons' ex that got absorbed by Hive? How?

The original was the version Fitz showed Coulson and Daisy.

The Framework also existed before May was added to it.

I remember hoping that they would stick with the Skye-Fitz and Jemma-Tripp pairs instead of having those be early misdirects.

Her choices were fairly limited though. It was either change her last name or get used to not being cast due to not looking asian enough for someone with an asian last name.

That doesn't make it sound any better.

Stop screwing with time Barry!

I think 7 seasons sounds about right. Pacing will probably be weird as some of the early books could go over a season while some later ones would work better combined into a single season.

Me too! High Five!

While the show isn't what I would call good, I think it deserves an award for most improvements between seasons. The first season felt stupid more often than not due to tone and mood whiplash, and having the hunters use a mix of realistic looking weapons and sword shaped glowsticks just made everything feel even

This was interesting until I realized that the headline referred to the game.

Fully agree. People really underestimate how much of the middle retreading would end up disappearing in a TV adaptation.

Not really. A few of the middle books are concurrent so they would just need to streamline the events during those parts.

Not sure which book established it, but from what I recall about hand gestures they were completely unnecessary but were somewhat commonly used as students learned to imitate everything that their instructors did, including pointless gesturing. Someone, maybe Siuan(?) or another teacher Aes Sedai, theorized that you

From what I recall up to book 10 Gawyn's story amounted to progress updates every 500 pages or so, so that will be easy to cut down.

I liked 10 since Matt and Perrin are my favorite characters, though it did go a bit long on exploring their feelings a lot of the time.

Yeah. One of the main setups of the series is that the male half of the magic source was tainted by The Dark One as a final fuck you to Lews Therin.

I think its the best fantasy series example. A better guideline might be The Last Kingdom.

Re: Rand/Elayne
I forget what book Rand and Elayne slept together in, but it was fairly memorable because he snuck into the castle using an illusion that made him hideously ugly. So ugly that just about everyone woman who knew about Elayne and the ugly guy meeting for private time couldn't keep themselves from loudly

Also glad, but I find Fake batman pretty annoying. Jewbot and Ranger are pretty funny though.