BaaBaa Black

I knid of want to see the recipe for this. It seems very similar to a cake I made at Christmas. Mine lacked the red smear though.

I can't say that that logically follows since the size of the fame of the respective parties can have an effect on public opinion in a dispute.

Its one of the classier forms of animal fighting.

Uh huh. So why would you think saying "So commercial success trumps breast cancer survival? Fuck me." would be interpreted as anything other than implying that her once having cancer merits support in something entirely unrelated to having cancer?

I can remember it happening but I don't recall the exact episode, though I would guess it was in the first season…and I can't say that I care enough about it to rewatch the series to verify the exact ep.

Why the fuck should anyone side with her for surviving cancer? Surviving cancer is the reward for surviving cancer.

The first place I recall hearing of Magneto's helmet's psionics blocking abilities was the 90's X-Men cartoon on Fox.

Given the overall pettiness involved in the sabotage, i'm going with Ember being pissed about not receiving an invite. I wouldn't rule out some kind of pseudo-Machiavellian move from Josh though. The High King of Fillory can probably make a horse and nymph harem if they wanted to.

I don't know about that. I feel like part of the issue with Iron Fist is that we've seen them do these things before, but far better in the netflix other shows. I have wondered a few times since finishing it if it wouldn't have felt as badly executed if it was the first show, since it wouldn't have had the same level

It seems like the No Manu explanation changes every so often. A few weeks ago it was about the time Bennett beat up a fan.

She was also married to Colossus in AoA and in the regular continuity a part of a triangle with another male mutant that resulted in Colossus trying to kill the guy in a fit of jealous rage.

I think the most 90's thing is the lack of any repercussions for all the laws broken by the star over the course of the film.

The truly horrifying thing about DM is a future where Dan Cortese is both a piano player at Taco Bell and a cryolab tech.

You sure it wasn't Charles Barkley?

I know i'm in the minority here, but I view the BB pilot as a prime example of how not to make a pilot.

Agreed. So incredible that I remember seeing her military uniform in a few mins of Guy X while flipping channels back when it first hit Showtime and immediately thought "Wow. She is a quite implausible soldier."

It worked for me since they barely managed to win and had to fight dirty to get that victory. And then Riggs still almost died.

Katarina's still amazing.

Haven't they been together for like six months now? Actually it has to be longer because i'm certain I heard that way before the US Pres. election.

I guess I was lucky. The company I interned for back then had a simple patch process that took all of 2 mins per PC. I think they were happy to have daily busy work for us.