BaaBaa Black

Bush isn't that str8 edge. Bill "Spaceman" Lee has mentioned in interviews that he and W smoked a joint in a museum back when W was a part-owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team.

Depends on how you feel about Supernatural I guess.

From what I recall of hearing a zoologist talk about them, its less kicking and more balancing on their tail so they can rip your stomach open with their feet.

Too Many Foodservice Workers.

I remember there being a fairly interesting team-up happening between Venom and Vengeance(a Ghost Rider villain with near identical powers turned hero), but it probably isn't a great entry point to the character.

You should watch the series but the after series movies can be hit or miss. Especially the final one.

That fight is what made the Kings-Lakers rivalry for me.

No one would choose to take a buck when they know that they are owed 100 of them. Or take 100 mil when you know your worth is at least 10 times that.

AC was 2 seasons.

Blind Fury.

That is probably my second favorite bit after Reuben's death. Third is Root's vice principal saying "detention detention".

True. It is nice to have this site use my screen space properly now, but the vertical article scroll makes using multiple tabs less useful. Or at least it feels dumb since I see pieces of another article every time.

They follow Rip as much as they do Sara. When they like the order they more or less follow it, and when they don't like the order they don't follow it.

Unquestioned? The result of her attempt at giving the crew an order they didn't agree with last ep shows that to not be the case. They like her enough to do what she orders when its an order they like, but they seem to think of her as a crewmate and not their leader.

Keep telling yourself that.

So…the guy on the left isn't wearing a pair of Groucho glasses. Color me surprised.

Ah. Just the usual friendly fire on someone who probably agrees with the left for not condemning Trump every time they speak.

What's your problem with what he said?

I think you were right at nine since The Accelerated Man was just a cameo.

GA could have killed Darhk after Vixen broke his totem.