BaaBaa Black

John seemed to do okay until he started having some miscommunications with the servers, then things got more confused later when the servers started taking plates instead of waiting for the runners to get them.

Family-style hasn't been done in RW from what I recall. It could have worked, but they really didn't plan things properly.

Wasn't that the argument that started because Fabio immediately started questioning him about the incident where a female TC fan broke a glass bottle over his head solely because she didn't like him on the show?

Right. Just because he's a soulless automaton doesn't make him an evil soulless automaton.

By what metric do you make that distinction?

Calling anime a genre is akin to calling american live-action movies a genre.

The part where the designers are aware that their character designs need to appeal to their target demo (ie: teens - early adults that are most likely male).

You mean that volleyball game series that was a spin-off of a fighting game? This has what to do with anime again?

So you're saying they did one good thing.

And Herman's Head.

No, if that happens people might have to think about that movie's big romantic moment involving implied marital rape.

Cinnabon's was worse though.

Reynolds died a day after her daughter did! Black Mama's don't die cuz
they kids do!They cry and say God don't make no mistakes!

— DL Hughley (@RealDLHughley) December 29, 2016

Well…Yarr arr arr

I agree that this interview isn't really the problem. Just wanted to clarify why its getting tiresome.

Next time just double down on the confusing.

What the what?

I still miss InfoMania and Current before Gore got delusional about what made his network popular.

Because Trump will do enough to stay in headlines for the next four years on his own.