BaaBaa Black

Its on Amazon Video, Vudu, and some other places.

I meant the type of unknown you see on TC, my fault for not being clearer in my wording.

Some chefs are far better in their restaurants where they can plan things out and rarely deal with any unknowns.

Its decent. The first season laid out a fairly interesting story and paired it with some amazing fight sequences. It does have a bit of questionable execution of parts of the story though.

Its not that Tesar had an evil plan as much as it was apparent that he wasn't really thinking about team success. You don't win a group challenge like this one by setting up one of your three dishes to be a failure.

- the whole Restaurant Wars debacle which basically was used to set up Kristen as the winner and prove LCK is actually possible

One of the first thoughts I had after he brought up satay was 'Why doesn't he use the PB as a soup base?'

Based on the even gender split i'm thinking they'll do 'girls v guys' again.

I think Tom raised a good point about the flaw in loading one person down with bad stuff, especially when they have immunity.

She definitely agrees. She spoke a lot about how she watched herself on TV and decided she needed to change when they did the post S3 holiday special. I think she may have mentioned it during All-Stars as well.

That viewpoint would help explain why he didn't want to discuss different dishes that he could have made instead in the stew room.


I hope that they weren't as that seems beyond stupid, but it was where my mind went when I heard a guest call them slimy and the judges complained about them being of poor quality.

The DC season had four.

As bad as the Texas finale ice challenge was, at least it helped keep the ingredients cold. As someone who visited Charleston often as a kid I am well aware of how warm that place usually is, even mid-downpour some days. Honestly I might have insisted on production swapping out my proteins if I was there. Or maybe

I don't think of Josie as a villain. A major annoyance, sure, but not a villain.

And Elia giving Tom shit about endorsing Diet Coke as well.

I think the problem shouldn't have happened in the first place. If you send people out on these hunts, don't put the actual food items in the bags that you know will be sitting in probably warm weather. The challenge should be entirely about how well made a dish was, not whether they were able to work around a

Nick's finale staff deserved all the screaming that they got. I remember how both Nick and Padma were politely telling a server to place a plate with the major part of the entree on the left repeatedly, and then the server -still- put the plate down wrong.

Most premature character write-outs tend to suck. The only decent one I can think of is Sasha Alexander's death on NCIS.