BaaBaa Black

That is why I always DVR this show. I hate the previews with a passion so I fast forward through all of them.

I can't approve a Sam Worthington double role…or the use of blackface, but the Worthington part is where that idea is truly troubling.

Dennis Haysbert

He feels too young for the Stewart I think of.

It doesn't seem right to call The Flash a time travel show.

Wasn't he the first to have a force-user stop blaster fire with the force?

Well, STID is an acronym for Sexually Transmitted Infectious Disease.

Hello David Goyer!

Maybe it was due to my age at the time of airing, but I found it funny and I was surprised to find out how hated it is.

That sounds like a Cracked After Dark argument.

I'd say Dream On was more similar to Californication though it never tried to get serious.

I agree. Even if they only focused on the current dangling threads, this show could have outpaced Supernatural.

Off the top of my head…Golden Goose, Dragon Lady, and the female Steinadler are all still alive. The steinadler from the coin arc (Aunt Marie's..uhh..sausage deliverer) was implied to have been caught and tortured for info but was never confirmed for dead.

Very happy that we're getting recaps for the final season.

Reminding me of that season makes me wish they had come up with a way to fit Beverly and Nyesha into this season…but then again, the rookie/vet win disparity would be a lot worse.

Don't blame them, they have no choice. If they didn't do this how would we know how them to be the mature, well adjusted, frequent sex havers that they need us to believe them to be?

I guess they liked it better that way.

Because Sam was very involved in the whole Ilan/Marcel thing in S2.

What sank Sylvia was the insistence that her potato salad was as she intended it to be. The judges likely thought that Katsuji would not put that funky gland in his beans if he had a do over, while Sylvia gave them the impression that she would have still put the same dish out.

True, but Kevin has the rotundness of face that really makes the comparison work.