BaaBaa Black

Stop trying to give Kevin Gillespie's nickname away!

Many dislike it because of its sugar content, which is an issue with the mass produced brands. Personally I like it on some things.

I always found Marcel likeable though I can understand where he can be annoying.

There is always room for Casey. I won't mind at all if she competes on every season.

Her slaw was inoffensive. The other dishes from her team weren't.

The Gail part makes sense, the rest is just gibberish.

As Tom pointed out at judges table, both of the other teams had a member (John & Jamie) who nodded knowingly when Tom mentioned the gland. I think its safe to say that they both knew enough to use the head without using that gland.

This brings up questions i've always wanted to ask of people that bring up Tom's role or the disclaimer of production possibly making major decisions:


Probably answered your own question there.

Sadly, yes. Well rather than buy it you can also find a Kidz Bop channel on one of those radio services. Its pretty much the only station my oldest niece will allow people to listen to if its available.

Owch indeed. Hope you feel better. Or that the pills don't stop.

I had to google Marjorie because her season a mostly a big ball of boring for me. I checked out shortly after the MC Hammer ep. Hell, I probably only watched that long to see who the QF judges would be.

That setup would be an improvement.

I think the Murphy\Lawrence "Life" is a good reminder of how expectations can tank a film. The cast and the comedy focused advertising made people expect a comedy, but instead we got a passable drama that would have been better served by making the comedy elements a bit darker if not removing them altogether.

Despite its shortcomings, I found this finale to be very entertaining. It was nice to see them start connecting the dots on Zona(or maybe it should be Zone-A), though I would have preferred to have them do more than bring back the saucer like ship from their Vegas adventure in terms of making that connection.

She only got attention early in her season when she served 'boozy' chicken for kids in the school lunch team challenge. After that she was pretty much ignored until elimination.

The fan vote helped the stretch out. IIRC it stayed at least 70% green once blue went up 3-1.

Didn't know he said that. He deserves to get piled on for that.
