BaaBaa Black

Yeah, she was slimmer back in her season. The main things I recall about her are that she served a chicken dish that used wine in a school lunch challenge (where the chefs were being judged by fifth or sixth graders iirc) and that she was/is romantically involved with the alleged pea puree thief after their season…

That moronic scene where Wilddog goes from hating metas to respecting them in the space of five mins made me wonder about that.

Steinpoint sounds like some kind of oktoberfest related time travel thing.

I could buy that. Too bad the show hasn't bothered to put forth any logic explaining the choice.

Post-Flashpoint Iron Heights seems to hold all the super-powered criminals now. The STAR Labs cells are for temporarily insane friends it seems.

"Plus the weird insistence on making kryptonians inherently vulnerable to mind control and magic"

When was Sara in a fridge?

I'm pretty sure the daughter said that Clarissa was out when Stein asked for her.

She didn't really let him go though. Reverse-Flash took him.

Barry, Oliver, and Firestorm were away having their meeting during training time.

Brooks was capable of strong romantic chemistry on True Blood.

That "twist" made me hate Red Son with a passion.

Is it really turning her into BttF Chuck Berry when she only needed help due to sabotage from time travelers?

That changes Trump to Han Solo and Melania becomes Leia.

We had the same restriction at my college but it was extended to microwaves, mini-fridges, and pretty much anything electrical and convenient that you can think of that would have been around in the early 2000s, likely for the reasons already given.

The emphasis Amell put on "and you'll get hit with an arrow" made that line even better.

I'm simultaneously happy that it died quick and kinda pissed that all that Hayley Atwell in a bra footage from the trailer didn't guarantee it a season pickup.

Upvote for being a fellow Color of Night…survivor?..witness? I'm not sure what word fits.

They skipped The Flash on election night.

I didn't get the impression that humans had a different fate, just that Lucifer was reminding Maze that she had a good reason to put the hunt for the blade ahead of all else.