BaaBaa Black

When you see all the things that happened and your only big take-away is that a woman died in service of the plot, I have to ask if the show is the one with the problem here. I found the guy being mind swapped with a mouse and then summarily being eaten by the missing teen girl with a dog's mind far more noteworthy

Wasn't there some mention of Star City's location being somewhat near the Canadian border at one point?

Possibly. I think they could be waiting for Firestorm to tell the others about the armory. That secret room appears to have a lot of things that Ray could repurpose eventually.

I would think it weird but I doubt I would conclude that the person was my sister or whoever. I would wonder if they were possibly a distant relative though.

"So how stupid is Clarissa? She doesn't recognize her husband? A 60
year old is still recognizably the same person as their 30 year old
self. The voice would also be the same. She would, at the very least,
be deeply confused and disturbed."

Martin knows how to think 4th dimensionally, so he might be surprised but he wouldn't rule it out.

Hm. I must have missed that line.

This was the first ep where she wasn't in a badly lit room or had a mask over her face.

You're probably right about the machine. Not sure where the reviewer got the idea that it could be a time machine.

Pretty sure he said it was an hour away. Point stands though.

It can be a minor headache to get set up, but worthwhile if you're a Fallout fan.

It damned on me today that Flashpoint already happened from time's perspective. In the potential future Star City we were introduced to John Jr.

At least Palmer has a second win over Eichorst now.

The hybrid brain sample makes sense. Next best thing to a sample of Murphy or Lucy's blood.

Flashpoint's changes start at the point of Barry's origin, the murder of his mother, so the Yamashiro's aren't necessarily beyond the point of possibly being affected.

I think the interrogation scene would have been so much better if Murphy had had Cassidy playing bad cop.

The brain The Man served Murphy wasn't the one from earlier as it didn't have the bites missing from when The Man bit into it. It definitely wasn't the little girl's though.

While I like Fet better as a character I always root for Eph to whoop his ass. Fet constantly alternating between bully and judge this season has been irritating. He very much needed someone like Eph to remind him that he's fucked up plenty between walking a SEAL team into the Master's trap and getting a second group

It's the serum 10k stole. He dosed himself at the end of last week's episode for reasons I don't really get.

I just hope its completely out of continuity and skippable.