BaaBaa Black

Knocking down the plane would have put their abducted prisoner at risk. I think it was meant to be a too surprised to react thing though.

His reaction line after Dacascos updated him on the new Inhuman they acquired indicated enough irritation for me.

Coulson's call accomplished a decent amount. He forced Malick to destroy a chunk of his, and Hydra's, infrastructure. Not enough to win the war, but enough to make the enemy feel some pain.

All of Kaga's powers were in his taste buds. That's why he enjoys biting into raw bell peppers so much.

Spoiler alerts are pretty worthless if you don't put more spacing between the alert and the spoiler.

Nick Fury's casting was in part due to the Marvel's Ultimates' universe version of Nick Fury being a Samuel L Jackson homage.

I thought the same about Thompson and Peggy for a bit, but his backstory keeps him from being the eventual husband since was in the Pacific during the war. Its possible he could still be an interim love interest though.

On the subject of warnings, you should avoid the AV Club recaps for those series as well. Even when they have recaps for people who aren't binge watching, the binge watchers still pop-up in episode one discussions to talk about episode twelve.

I would love to see the coroner and CSU guys recreate the cause of death on that one.

And no worrying about DKPs.

Yeah, that is odd.

She quit porn and started teaching in Japan some time ago.

Certain biases could make her not great casting as the perception of her level of innocence may possibly differ.

Right, but Jet Li has had to spend months with both Mel Gibson and DMX. He's made of steel now.

He was also a henchman in the fourth-ish Highlander movie.

Cheney has shot a lot of facts in his day. Must be some kind of addict now.

As far as we know he's a human.

It could be that Grimms of the time were either members of or hid amongst the Jewish community. Or maybe Hilter was concerned about a possible threat they posed. Thinking of that, it makes me wonder how golems fit into the war.

Jones' character went to jail for the killings his daughter and Abbie's ex did while they were possessed.

No ones buying that with that avatar.